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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel

TK17-158 2023-08-03 18-47-35-24


Featured in this rifle are my 3 fave attachments to run, the ACOG sight, a 4x zoom sight optimal for close to medium range engagements, a standard foregrip on the underbarrel, and a flashlight on the siderail. On the battle rifle variant, I would swap the flashlight for a rangefinder, since battle rifles are intended for longer range engagements (100+ meters).
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From the album:

The Gun Show

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It's kinda hot 😊 Somehow. I mean, you giving a technical gun narrative ☺️ Whatever I feel about guns, I always like to hear guys in passion-mode...

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4 hours ago, PsychoCatGirl said:

It's kinda hot 😊 Somehow. I mean, you giving a technical gun narrative ☺️ Whatever I feel about guns, I always like to hear guys in passion-mode...

Without going into the politics of the matter, the misconception of firearms is that they are "tools of war". They're not...they're tools used FOR war. Whenever someone (not saying you, just in general) brings up the idea that guns are the cause of violence in society, I counter them in saying "ok, so if we never discovered gunpowder and were still using swords, shields and spears, would you feel the same way about those weapons as you do firearms?" The answer is usually said person completely shutting down...cuz they have no viable response for it. Guns are not the source of violence in society, people are. If guns didn't exist, people would commit crime and murder with other stuff...so to pin the firearm on the reason while some folk are violent is an irresponsible cop-out. Violence people are violent people. The gun didn't make them violent, they had that predisposition long before they touched it.

The fact of the matter is that there are more responsible gun owners in this world then violent people. MSM and government just choses to polarize the bad people because keeping the public scared of firearms keeps them in control. Yet who protects all of these politicians who lobby saying "guns are bad?" Men with guns, that's who. Ok, I'm done ranting...lol.

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2 hours ago, Oz70NYC said:

Without going into the politics of the matter, the misconception of firearms is that they are "tools of war". They're not...they're tools used FOR war. Whenever someone (not saying you, just in general) brings up the idea that guns are the cause of violence in society, I counter them in saying "ok, so if we never discovered gunpowder and were still using swords, shields and spears, would you feel the same way about those weapons as you do firearms?" The answer is usually said person completely shutting down...cuz they have no viable response for it. Guns are not the source of violence in society, people are. If guns didn't exist, people would commit crime and murder with other stuff...so to pin the firearm on the reason while some folk are violent is an irresponsible cop-out. Violence people are violent people. The gun didn't make them violent, they had that predisposition long before they touched it.

The fact of the matter is that there are more responsible gun owners in this world then violent people. MSM and government just choses to polarize the bad people because keeping the public scared of firearms keeps them in control. Yet who protects all of these politicians who lobby saying "guns are bad?" Men with guns, that's who. Ok, I'm done ranting...lol.



Not touching that 😛 Especially when talking to an American 😛 In my country, there is no debate about the gun rights, people have simply never had them, since at least Napoleon (not counting the time of wars, when it was necessary to reach for lead in order to present it to the Germans and/or Russians with great force) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just don't like violence and anything that's intended to hurt. It used to make me hate people in general because of their tendency to evil, but not anymore 🙂 Not everything is so bad.

I see now that I was kinda triggering this topic myself ☺️ I apologize, in both cases, here and in the main album comments, I said something about this after my daily cardio. Sometimes I don't think fully clear after that for a while 🏃‍♀️ 🙂

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3 hours ago, PsychoCatGirl said:



Not touching that 😛 Especially when talking to an American 😛 In my country, there is no debate about the gun rights, people have simply never had them, since at least Napoleon (not counting the time of wars, when it was necessary to reach for lead in order to present it to the Germans and/or Russians with great force) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just don't like violence and anything that's intended to hurt. It used to make me hate people in general because of their tendency to evil, but not anymore 🙂 Not everything is so bad.

I see now that I was kinda triggering this topic myself ☺️ I apologize, in both cases, here and in the main album comments, I said something about this after my daily cardio. Sometimes I don't think fully clear after that for a while 🏃‍♀️ 🙂

No need to apologize, girl. It's not triggering at all. Being able to have such conversations in a mature, non-polarizing way is how common ground is established. I only wish it were more prevalent here in the US. 

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