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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel
© Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.
Credit Black Trapper Media © 2023

Marina Pin-Up 1 (5).png


"Women tend to take a long time getting ready for things. Not her. After one minute, she came out and my jaw effectively dropped to the floor. I'm glad that even after seeing her body in numerous situations, she always manages to take my breath away, every time. I suppose that's what love does to you."

- H-hey... You're doing that thing again... I still can't get used to you staring at me like I'm *that* beautiful... But it feels good... I guess I really enjoy having your undivided attention~


Black Trapper Media © 2023


© Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.
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From the album:

Spoiled (Marina Nonaka)

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There's no one quite like my Marina. It's as if they took every trait from what makes an Anime girl attractive and gave it all to her! She's the ultimate Waifu!

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