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That's right, baby!

  • Album created by Kraegar
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9 Album Comments

It's not something to explain in a few sentences. Every setting matters and contributes, from lights to cubemaps to skin tweaks, with the most important ones are subsurface textures and settings and roughness maps

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TK17 visuals are like a culinary recipe ... without one ingredient, it isnt the same, heh.

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On 3/9/2021 at 9:25 AM, Kraegar said:

It's not something to explain in a few sentences. Every setting matters and contributes, from lights to cubemaps to skin tweaks, with the most important ones are subsurface textures and settings and roughness maps

I think that as much as I and many other people as you will have realized over time, we greatly value your work and your realism in each photo you present to us.
By this I mean, that it would be a great idea that at some point you made a post exclusively as a guide or "advice" to improve our captures. For example, you say that clearly several factors influence here, one of them is the lights. I would like to learn more about them in TK17, about the correct "ideal" positions, and the settings you apply to achieve such realism and so on.
You also comment on the cube maps, which unfortunately I don't have much idea about it, so it sure is important and it is something that many of us are not putting into practice.

I think this is a good time for Klub Exile and the TK community to start having great teachers.


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On 3/9/2021 at 4:25 AM, Kraegar said:

It's not something to explain in a few sentences. Every setting matters and contributes, from lights to cubemaps to skin tweaks, with the most important ones are subsurface textures and settings and roughness maps

How do you use roughness maps in skin customizer?

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@Skórpion96, I'll think about it. There's something I can probably "teach". I have a good understanding of texture channels and how it affects everything but there's some factors that only someone pro in CG can know for certain. Plus every engine is different, and whatever the general knowledge is it can't be applied properly without intuitively understanding the engine you're using, not to mention various workarounds and limitations in hook that exist because the villa is an old thing

PBR is designed to imitate real world, take and apply data from it, which also means that if you'll train your eyes to "imagine" a real scene in a way of CG scene you can possibly recreate it without knowing all the tech behind it. 

Here's some hint you can start practicing right away - look up various guides for real world photography, studio lights setup, environment setup (outdoor/indoor/time of the day/season). " pinterest " has a good amount of those and many more useful things.

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13 hours ago, arse22 said:

How do you use roughness maps in skin customizer?

I'll use a simplified explanation
Roughness and Glossiness are one and the same (with a small difference), green channel of spec maps represents it.
In hook we have Glossiness, which means the brighter green channel is the more glossy and shiny the surface will be
Modern engines use Roughness, which is glossiness inversed, the brighter it is the less shiny is the surface
Customized skins have much more control over specs, non-custom don't and need to have a technically perfect spec map to match the customs.

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3 hours ago, Kraegar said:

@Skórpion96, Lo pensaré. Hay algo que probablemente pueda "enseñar". Tengo una buena comprensión de los canales de textura y cómo afecta a todo, pero hay algunos factores que sólo alguien profesional en CG puede saber con certeza. Además, cada motor es diferente, y cualquiera que sea el conocimiento general es que no se puede aplicar correctamente sin entender intuitivamente el motor que

está utilizando, por no hablar de varias soluciones y limitaciones en gancho que existen porque la villa es una cosa antigua PBR está diseñado para imitar el mundo real, tomar y aplicar datos de él, lo que también significa que si usted entrenará sus ojos para "imaginar" una escena real en una manera de escena CG que posiblemente puede recrear sin saber toda la tecnología detrás de ella.
Aquí hay algunos consejos que puede empezar a practicar de inmediato - buscar varias guías para la fotografía del mundo real, configuración de luces de estudio, configuración del entorno (exterior / interior / hora del día /
temporada). Pinterest " tiene una buena cantidad de esos y muchas cosas más útiles.

Excellent, it's a good idea to start, I'll take that advice into account 😉

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