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VX Room Creator Hook 5 Help Center.



VX Room Creator Hook 5

This is a programm build by sadekhnd where i helpt on VX code and Hook translation.


What is it : Room creator will build an empty Addons room for you with the name and number of your choice.

After you have made a Addons room and build up your Hook 5 room in game,

you can set startpositions with a Hook 5 model in game and add the positions with a push of a button from the [Add Positions] programm.


I would like to thank sadekhnd for making this amazing programm and making it this simple. its a beauty.

Download here:   

On this Blog you can ask for help with the programm, try to keep your questions short please 

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I see people asking the question of changing the 248 room.

Probable because they already have a room they would like to give positions to.


backup the original leveldefinition file (drop it in object folder)

Just copy your level defenition file over to the new Actviemod room folder of the new room will do the same.

Make sure leveldef includes the following:


position.txt  =true

Set this on top of [environment] so you will get this:


position.txt  =true


save the leveldefention file and it should work.

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The room creator tool is down at the moment due to remodeling to a new room.

Please download the new version once its up again. 

Thank you

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So the new version is up and ready for use.


I will try to explane a bit on what it is, and how it works to give a better understanding of this tool.

First some history.

From hook4 on we where give the use of hook objects. These object could be placed in a room with the use of a leveldefenition file. This file will be loaded by hook and loaded in the GPU via directx. Hook 4 could handle small files like plants and beds. Basicly props. We were using a empty room 248 because it had 1 object to make transparent and give us an empty room. This room only had a center position. Making poses for this room was not very fun.

From Hook 5 there was a change in how big the objects could be. Hook 5 converter can now handle up to 300mb files and Hook will load much more if you have a good GPU (more than 4GB will give much potential already), I have done rooms up to 1.5 gb on my GTX1070 and still get 40fps with lighting.I just learned this on the end of MG but started porting rooms from honey select to hook 5. Placed all in room248 or room250, Still only 1 center pose for room248. SHIT no place to share them.

Once klub exile came online i have started to share some 248 rooms i had ported already but noticed that @Mute123 made a addon room with hook 5 objects and set positions.

This is what i was looking for. This i want to learn how to do. ADHD kicking in. Lets take a big step and ask @Mute123 to explane how he did it. I noticed that he was sharing what he did in simple steps and made my own first room with assets ported from honey select and set start positions.

First room done i know what im doing....... ehhh not realy. why does this room not work? its the same as my first. (also not realy 🙂 )

Seems its very easy to make a mistake in code and read over it.

After doing some more, making misstake after misstake it was getting frustrating and i wanted to quite and move back to 248 room. But here comes @sadekhnd in my box asking if he can help. Man he save my but bigtime 🙂 thanks bud.

After explaining my problem he made me a programm that would write the lines automaticly so i could not make the same errors anymore. This was the first version of the tool and saved me a lot of time making the rooms. I Found that the position and rotation in my leveldefention file looked simular to the positions and rotations in the .bs files we made.

We went back to the drawing board and made the tool to what it is now. A way to use a hook model ingame to set a startposition we can write to the .bs code.  And to me this is stuff that dreams are made of 🙂.


So what is it

To bring it back to its core. 

its two things:

1. a empty room creator

2. a position writer

Its a empty room with a hook 5 dummy you can use to pre-set the startpositions ingame. And let the programm write the positions info to the gamecode for you.

The idear being "everyone can make a Hook5 object room without having to learn how to code.the .bs files".


How does it work?

The tool creates a empty room (like the 248 room in the past.) and give you a activeMod room folder with the following:

- Leveldefenition file with some basic setups like a skybox (thats the sky you see and can be changed)

- a dummy object for setting the startposition.txt that is used to write the gamecode.

- a map called_objects to store your hook 5 objects if you wish.

The addon room is used to store the startpositions data and needs to be changed for every new room. Otherwise it will have the same startpositions in all rooms. As the addon room does nothing more than that i have made this as light as i could possibly make it to save fps . There is only a plane in there to set a collision box for the game engine.  fps= frames per second is important for hook 5 rooms  so we can load as much as possible but still keep it running smooth. You can use fraps to get a fps counter ingame and have the option to record to .avi. Keep the fps above 40 at all times and test with 4times poses.

The ActiveMod\[yourroom] folder is where the magic happens.

Actualy that is not totaly correct. the magic happens in hook GUI ingame. stored in the leveldefenition file within this folder.

More on this later as i think i need to break that down in parts to make it easy. 🙂



To get you first time users on your way i made some startercontect for you to get you on your way.

Check it out here: https://mega.nz/file/M25T3I6b#DtFZtEu-NVbDArOJl0t1fG-YA2rSeMxHKKQzAT9VATM

These are pre-set floor parts so your room will not be empty.

This will be your first start in adding a file to your leveldefenition.txt file made in a easy step. Just read the 'how to use.txt'  in the download to start your adventure.

Also feel free to ask questions...




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Interesting tool. I played around with it a bit and I think it's great you can add poses to object rooms, like the 234 rooms that have limited poses. My question is, while cycling through the pose locations, at some point the location halts and I can't change the location until I change the type of pose. For instance, if I am cycling through the locations with a standing pose, it locks until I switch to a chair pose. Is there a fix for this?

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14 hours ago, john374 said:

Interesting tool. I played around with it a bit and I think it's great you can add poses to object rooms, like the 234 rooms that have limited poses. My question is, while cycling through the pose locations, at some point the location halts and I can't change the location until I change the type of pose. For instance, if I am cycling through the locations with a standing pose, it locks until I switch to a chair pose. Is there a fix for this?

Hi John, 

thanks for your kind words.

Sounds like there is something wrong, Check if there is a space in your position names would be my first suggestion. the code is Case sensetive an will trip over spaces.

If you use the first version of the tool please try the latest one. we did some changes to make all poses possible.

If thats not the case please message me  your addon file so i can have a look at your code.



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4 hours ago, Sexvision said:

Hi John, 

thanks for your kind words.

Sounds like there is something wrong, Check if there is a space in your position names would be my first suggestion. the code is Case sensetive an will trip over spaces.

If you use the first version of the tool please try the latest one. we did some changes to make all poses possible.

If thats not the case please message me  your addon file so i can have a look at your code.



After fiddling around more, I discovered the issue. It's something to do with the fact that all my poses are made in the pose editor room to bring into other rooms with me. Most poses made in the editor room, such as floor, sofa, table, wall, ect. seem to function normally, but for some reason the chair poses do not change locations. The work around for me is to navigate to the location with a floor pose for example, then switch to the chair pose. Then repeat as necessary. Thanks.

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I created a room with 4 positions.

Then, I tried to add new positions but the tool cannot open the game folder: it seems freezed to just the desktop.

Any help?

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On 1/18/2023 at 3:03 PM, petrav said:

I created a room with 4 positions.

Then, I tried to add new positions but the tool cannot open the game folder: it seems freezed to just the desktop.

Any help?

If you made poses already in your gamecode its best to create a new code for your room and do the "set positions process again." This should fix your issue. You can use the same number you already used.

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2 hours ago, Sexvision said:

If you made poses already in your gamecode its best to create a new code for your room and do the "set positions process again." This should fix your issue. You can use the same number you already used.

Sorry but I don't understand this procedure.

The issue is not in the room but in the room-adding tool.

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2 hours ago, petrav said:

Sorry but I don't understand this procedure.

The issue is not in the room but in the room-adding tool.

Also here try running it as administrator. Or download the tool again and try again. It seems to work for 300 other downloaders


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2 hours ago, Sexvision said:

Also here try running it as administrator. Or download the tool again and try again. It seems to work for 300 other downloaders


I did not work... Yet I found a solution: If the Mountain won't go to Mohammed, then Mohammed must come to the Mountain, so I copy-and-pasted the room addon in the desktop, made all stuff with the tools and then copy-and-pasted the room addon back in the Addons folder. It works!

Thanks for the help!

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45 minutes ago, petrav said:

I did not work... Yet I found a solution: If the Mountain won't go to Mohammed, then Mohammed must come to the Mountain, so I copy-and-pasted the room addon in the desktop, made all stuff with the tools and then copy-and-pasted the room addon back in the Addons folder. It works!

Thanks for the help!

Good its working for you now. all though not the way it should. 🙂 

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