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How much my girl has changed!



Early this week, I had a nice interaction with @JoeNoxwill, about how beautiful her model Melissa is. Coincidentally, the name of the pic is "The Tigress". In it, I told comrade Joe (ey, that sounds nice!) that Melissa may have one of the most beautiful breasts in the whole site, even over my own Tigress cheechees. Look for it yourself and make your own judgment:

Now, JoeNoxwill talked about how he loves Melissa's face. He struggled for a week to create the face he imagined and now is happy with the result. He was kind to point out that Rassía is beautiful too, and asked how much time it took me to create her face. I did not had an exact answer to that. But made me go back to my old pics and watch the journey. And I decided to share the pics I have, to enjoy how much she has changed trough the years.

Rassía 1st iteration.jpg

Her first iteration, was somewhat raw. I don't really know why, but I like noses with the tip up. Achieving this look, I remember took me AGES, because the sliders in the face creator move many features at the same time. Somehow I managed to create this and was very happy with the result. At the time, I had no back story for her. Just a faptime model in a fap time game. And her original name wasn't Rassía, was "Alemania", which means Germany. I cannot remember if this face was created before someone invited me to MG, because at the time I wanted to do a model smaller than the male one, and that was what hooked me to TK17.

But what I do remember, is that after I made the original Alemania, I cloned her and had now a small version, red headed and blue eyed Armenia, an average version with brown eyes and black hair named again Alemania, and a tall version with hazelnut hair and green eyes, called Rusia.

Surfing MG, I found a whole new world. Head mods, body mods, lots and lots of addons, skins, clothes... MAN! For a time, MG looked like heaven to me. 

As I said in the pic, I learned how to combine head mods with body mods. I remember that there was this special set of skins and I believe bodies, called "BFFB". I can't remember who made it, but I believe it was @Birol's work, but cannot be sure.

Since I was a little boy, I remember I fell in love with USA's gymnastics team from Atlanta '96. I especially remember Dominique Moceanu, a gymnast of Romanian descent who was very popular at the time. At the same games, there were many beautiful competitors, many of them from Eastern Europe. And then a beautiful Ukrainian, born in the Soviet Union, won the all-around over the favorite locals. I, being a boy about to enter secondary school, Lilia Podkopayeva made a dent in what I considered beautiful in my taste for women.

Strong body, green small eyes, brunette hair... Even the tip of the nose up. Podkopayeva made quite an impression in me. When I learned to combine mods of faces and bodies, I went for what I considered beautiful. And then, thanks to one of the fitness bodies I found in MG and the orignal Hootie face, the second version of Rassía came to life:

Rassía 2nd iteration.jpg

Beautiful and strong, Rusia gained big leg muscles, strong arms, ripped abs, a pretty face and became my absolute favorite. I have a 5gb+ archive of legacy stuff and I decided to make a pic FOR EVERY ASSET I HAD... And Rusia was my model. At this time, I was just a shadow in MG. I never interacted with anybody there, just to someone I believe was Avarteas (?) when I tried to download a Tiger tank and the link was broken. I never got that tank, but got many nice thing from there. To the final to MG, I tried to help the community and I offered to translate the game to Spanish, by collaborating with OysterMug. And then, MG died.

I can't remember how I found Klub Exile. But I landed in late 2020 and I haven't go anywhere else.  In KE I found even more info, I explored about Hook4 and even I dared to port stuff to the game. My old guns were ported when I was still using H4. And Rusia changed. 

Rassía 3rd iteration.jpg

I started making a story about a Mexican girl who was in a Russian Military Academy. And her name was Rassía. Why? I don't know. But I remember that I changed Rassía's skin color to mimic a schoolmate I had in high school. Her wheat skin seemed more suitable for what I wanted to achieve. I changed her hair color and started trying to customize her further.

Then I saw how wonderful H5 was over H4. Although version 4 is amazing, H5 had it all: Lights, hairworks, physix, mirrors, water, particles and skin layers. And I went to Pervokpetr's Patreon to buy a $1 sub. When I did, I learned he had just released a new version of h5, that needed no registration code. And again, the world became bigger and even more interesting.

Oh! The skin layers. Before, I had to endure if I had a skin I liked and tried to customize it with the ingame sliders... And sometimes I ended with skins too red or too yellow. Sometimes I wanted a tattoo, most of them I didn't. And now, I had the option to star constructing from a bottom layer and up. I took Driver's Emma to start learning new stuff, and Rassía changed again:

Rassía 4th and current iteration.jpg

And Rassía never looked more beautiful. That belly, those boobs, those beautiful green eyes. And again, the layers. As Smoke stated before, the skin layers, the hairworks, the teeth, the nails... Lots of nice assets I've found in KE, began to overlap to create my version of beautiful perfection. And MAN! Much of this, must be stated, is thanks to H5. And I'm not proud to admit this... but Rassía had a serious bukkake phase that was GLORIOUS!


Not proud... but still enjoy them. I ruined many perfectly good skin.txt files over layer after layer after layer of cum. And thanks our lord and savior Mummified Lenin, I was finally able to grow out of it. In here, the KE community shares lots of assets and info. If you ask a question in the forum, more later than sooner, maybe, but maybe someone will come to answer the question and maybe someone else had the same question before. Try searching for answers!

And although I love that "clean skin" Rassía, I wanted to make her more unique. Driver, Sexy Bastardo and Smoke had shared great layers to customize the models even more: Muscles, veins, oral cavity, anal layers, blush, other kinds of substances to lay over the body... Even birth and stretch marks. I loved when I could bring those tigress stripes to Rassía's butt cheeks. And now, as many of you might know, Rassía looks like this:

Rassía 5th and current iteration.jpg

And I just love how she looks. Many out of our community might think TK17 VX has reached it's limit. I keep discovering new thing almost in a daily basis. Camera angles, light sources, new assets... Rassía keeps evolving, as new stuff comes up.

This community, KE, is vibrant and keeps growing. As I said before, I love this place and I like to share stuff that I feel other might appreciate too. I try to help and answer questions and to help others to achieve their version of perfection... even with all the imperfections I've come to love in my own and other chicas in the site.

As comrade @Oz70NYC helped, enjoyed and encouraged others to share nice stuff, I encourage you, sick deranged Exile, to be kind and help to others. At the end, only the memory remains. Leave a good one.

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I don't think I have such a well documented story on how my models have changed with time. I know for a fact that at least 9 of them I have done many changes to that have been properly registered. This is quite the undertaking and a labor of love towards Rassía! Love this!

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37 minutes ago, Trapp said:

I don't think I have such a well documented story on how my models have changed with time. I know for a fact that at least 9 of them I have done many changes to that have been properly registered. This is quite the undertaking and a labor of love towards Rassía! Love this!

@petrav did something similar with Alice. It's nice to watch the evolution of the girls.

I don't know if many of us have photos to show our favorite's evolution.

You should try to collect some. You already did it with Dani. Maybe other girls have their archive too.

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I have a well documented story of my gurls evolution but if I post it now, I may be called a poser! lol. 

Kidding, I did something similar with my Oldie Goldies album. 

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