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Regarding about Oz70NYC



So as you guys are aware (from the announcement), Oz70NYC has passed away. I just want to give my personal input/feeling about this. Even though we are an online community and for a game that is taboo, Oz was a big part on getting this site up and rolling and he helped me improve as a admin and for a better person. So in short, he was a really good friend that I will miss.

His presence will be missed. He was extremely supportive to the community and to the content creators that helped keep the ball rolling and he inspired users to continue with their work or to stick around. On top of that, I will miss seeing his content and I am sure others will too. 


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Damn that’s really sad man. Genuine gut punch news. Rest in peace. Felt like he was liking my posts only yesterday. 

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There are no words. I knew he had health problems, but didn't know he was in serious danger. Rest in peace, he was the foundation stone of the comics part of this community. He will be missed and his departure noted.

Descansa en paz, amigo. 

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I have no words.  When I found out it was like a punch straight to the gut.  Not only Oz was a good friend he was always that pragmatic voice that helped make sense of it all. He will definitely be missed.

RIP Big Homie

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9 minutes ago, HDiddy said:

I have no words.  When I found out it was like a punch straight to the gut.  Not only Oz was a good friend he was always that pragmatic voice that helped make sense of it all. He will definitely be missed.

RIP Big Homie

Yea - he was pretty much the voice of reasoning and thinking before you act. Something that will greatly be missed.

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This sucks.

The man was a TANK. Even in the face of disease and weakness, he still managed to pull through and deliver plenty of stories that will now remain unfinished, with no one to carry on his work, which is absolutely devastating.

As @SovietTiger put it, he's the sole reason Comics had a big output here at KlubExile. I am going to miss the fuck out of him, and I hope his loved ones can get closure from this. They're the ones that deserve it the most.

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I don't know what to say. I went late on Oz bandwagon, First contact was me nagging him as a moderator, then reading his earlier comic books. Then he showed some interest in my Mari and I send him some details of her as a combatant. I discovered his awesome Youtube channel with his wrestler characters. Talked more about Mari, Stiel and future projects. He asked for some guns, that I never did (but I will!).

Damn man, you'll be missed!


Guys, Life is fleeting. As hard as it maybe it's very stupid spending it in bemusement. 

God know that I want to take my above advice seriously.

But try hard to live life on it's fullest. 


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I am really speechless, he gave a lot to the community and seemed very rational and calm, which is rare.

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Damn that's really sad news. I really liked him a lot. From the few times I messaged him he genuinely seemed like a really good dude.

He was a rock solid member of the site and he will definitely be missed.

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Though never met, your loss is keen, in online realms your light was seen.

Goodbye Oz70NYC, in cyberspace, your memory lives, in this here cherished place.

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Sad, he was always funny and had good banter. The site is worse off without his presence.

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 Last time I reached him he told me he was away for health issues but hyped about learning to mod our game; I swear I never thought it was that serious

Just gave him some tips and I barely said good bye, I swear I didn't knew, we live our lives always thinking we're eternal when we're just ethereal

Rest in peace brother, see you in next life! ✌️

Always in our hearts Oz! 😢

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Sorry to hear, condolences to friends & family, the game has a long history for lot's of us, the various web sites that supported  it have always been a welcome diversion....

Hate when real life intrudes 

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Really no words for this. I wasnt here on KE for some time, was on hiatus, didnt even know this happened until now.

I know he mentioned he had some serious problems with health (heart related issues). But never thought it would come to this.

He was one of the pillars of the community and I had and have only respect for him. The community wont be the same without him, I must say.


RIP, Osborne, you will be missed.

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4 hours ago, x17 said:

Really no words for this. I wasnt here on KE for some time, was on hiatus, didnt even know this happened until now.

I know he mentioned he had some serious problems with health (heart related issues). But never thought it would come to this.

He was one of the pillars of the community and I had and have only respect for him. The community wont be the same without him, I must say.


RIP, Osborne, you will be missed.

It truly is tragic. He was one of our best. I will miss getting new stories from a new comic or gallery from him, definitely.

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