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A Hard Reboot Is In The Works



I believe it's time to come clean. CNC Baby doesn't work.

Try as I might, I hit a hard wall. I can't climb over it, I can't go through it. So my only option left is to demolish it. Bring the whole fucking house down.

Now, this may come as a surprise to the few people who have followed the story of Daniela Olivares since last year. It's been forever since I came up with anything for her or even worked on her for a gallery. The reason for that is, even though I do have scenes ready for what would have become Issue 4; I don't feel any sense of progression within the story. And the root of all these problems lies with Dani herself, and her relationship with Max.

"But what do you mean?", you CNC Baby fans may ask. I mean that, within the context of the story and the original intent behind it, Dani and Max DON'T WORK together as they currently are. I had this epiphany not twenty minutes ago. I figured their relationship doesn't feel earned, or genuine, or anything. I was blinded by my desire of giving everyone a spotlight and worldbuild, that I forgot that my protagonists need to work in order to move the story forward. So I need to make a DRASTIC change in their dynamic, no matter what. This means cutting off and adding new scenes, writing new things and retconning a lot of stuff for this to make sense. But what is most important: Dani and Max will already have been intimate by the beginning of this new version. This part isn't even up for debate. It HAS to be this way.

So, basically what I'm going to do is pull a God card and snuff the current iteration of CNC Baby out of existence from the TrappVerse canon. There's no other way.

However, there are several scenes that will still make the cut, and recontextualized. For example, Rassia's backstory with Dani, beautifully written by the Comrade @SovietTiger will still remain in place, but with minor differences. Same with all the secondary character interactions, at least the ones that make sense within the story progress. Also, the Masked Man is at risk of being erased from the story unless I can use him for something more interesting. I like what I did with him, but for the new ideas I have, I am not sure if it's even going to work. Another event that will be included within the canon is my universe's version of Operation Redout, by @Oz70NYC. That will happen word for word as he originally wrote it, but with a much different long-term result.

So there. I think you could speculate as to what those changes will be, but for now, I'll leave you in suspense. This is it. The REAL CNC Baby is coming sometime soon.

Sound off in the comments, as usual.

For context:

From @Oz70NYC:

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Just now, Morius said:

CNC Baby is dead!

Long Live CNC Baby!

It's not dead, it's getting rebooted. And honestly, I'm going to be using A LOT of the scenes I already used for previous issues. No sense in starting EVERYTHING over when there are some solid plot points there. But I think this might just be what I need in order to tell the story I want to tell.

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30 minutes ago, Trapp said:

It's not dead, it's getting rebooted. And honestly, I'm going to be using A LOT of the scenes I already used for previous issues. No sense in starting EVERYTHING over when there are some solid plot points there. But I think this might just be what I need in order to tell the story I want to tell.


"The King is dead, long live the King" Is an expression commonly used in Britain royalty to announce a new king after the demise of the former.

I only changed "king" for  "CNC Baby"

The meaning of this expression is to make a homage for the former and welcome the new. 

What I meant is, as I enjoyed the previous run of CNC Baby, I'm willing to welcome and enjoy the new installment of it. 

But I like to complicate things by typing silly things.

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I'm still in the same spot, I feel the iteration, as it is, can work out but needs tweaking. No matter, it's the Trappverse and this version would live along with the others.

I'm as always looking forward to whats coming. Max failed to me, to gain my blessing to be with Dani. Let's see if the new version has something pulled together. Because I have no saying on Dani's destiny, but I'm kinda her godfather 🤩

Using imperialist phrases as @Morius did: "In Trapp we trust".

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17 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

I'm still in the same spot, I feel the iteration, as it is, can work out but needs tweaking. No matter, it's the Trappverse and this version would live along with the others.

I'm as always looking forward to whats coming. Max failed to me, to gain my blessing to be with Dani. Let's see if the new version has something pulled together. Because I have no saying on Dani's destiny, but I'm kinda her godfather 🤩

Using imperialist phrases as @Morius did: "In Trapp we trust".

I'm just a layman on compeling storytelling, but I agree with my comrade here. With some working I could see it keep going. 

As for Max, I also agree. Dani seduced him because she idealized him as a man he was yet to show he was or he wasnt it at all. He didn't proved himself and his journey to be perceived as Dani's ideal man to actually become Dani's ideal man could be compeling. 

But, if they start already as a couple, it can develop new interesting conflicts and turning points. Let's see!

Keep quoting good chumps: "It is necessary sometimes to take one step backward to take two steps forward."

As for the validity of a reboot or even retcons, I'm all in favor and I do whenever I feel a better narrative would bloom from it. 

"Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty."

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1 hour ago, Morius said:


"The King is dead, long live the King" Is an expression commonly used in Britain royalty to announce a new king after the demise of the former.

I only changed "king" for  "CNC Baby"

The meaning of this expression is to make a homage for the former and welcome the new. 

What I meant is, as I enjoyed the previous run of CNC Baby, I'm willing to welcome and enjoy the new installment of it. 

But I like to complicate things by typing silly things.

I mean, I get it! That will still stay up until the new version is released, to serve as the "prototype" for what this new iteration will become. There aren't going to be too many differences in the overall story development, but some characteristics are going to be changed. Like I said, a lot of the subplots and character moments will only be slightly modified, but remain unchanged for the most part, while some of them will either be recontextualized or flat out erased. But the threads need to be connected differently. I don't want my main characters overshadowed by my side guys and gals!


17 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

I'm still in the same spot, I feel the iteration, as it is, can work out but needs tweaking. No matter, it's the Trappverse and this version would live along with the others.

I'm as always looking forward to whats coming. Max failed to me, to gain my blessing to be with Dani. Let's see if the new version has something pulled together. Because I have no saying on Dani's destiny, but I'm kinda her godfather 🤩

Using imperialist phrases as @Morius did: "In Trapp we trust".

Well, if things stand as planned, some things might yet change.

As for your last phrase: I can only hope to earn it.

4 minutes ago, Morius said:

As for Max, I also agree. Dani seduced him because she idealized him as a man he was yet to show he was or he wasnt it at all. He didn't proved himself and his journey to be perceived as Dani's ideal man to actually become Dani's ideal man could be compeling. 

Yeah, there are going to be some serious twists and turns around that. Like I said, things are going to EXPLODE in the very first issue.

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6 minutes ago, Trapp said:

I mean, I get it! That will still stay up until the new version is released, to serve as the "prototype" for what this new iteration will become. There aren't going to be too many differences in the overall story development, but some characteristics are going to be changed. Like I said, a lot of the subplots and character moments will only be slightly modified, but remain unchanged for the most part, while some of them will either be recontextualized or flat out erased. But the threads need to be connected differently. I don't want my main characters overshadowed by my side guys and gals!

I see, interesting! But will you take it down, like remove from the site? 

9 minutes ago, Trapp said:

Yeah, there are going to be some serious twists and turns around that. Like I said, things are going to EXPLODE in the very first issue.

Shit, so I can't wait!

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22 minutes ago, Morius said:

I see, interesting! But will you take it down, like remove from the site? 

If the story moves forward with too many similarities, it is a possibility. Otherwise, I can keep them up, or archived. Maybe a download? Who knows?

23 minutes ago, Morius said:

Shit, so I can't wait!

So can't I. Working on the first draft as we speak!

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Yeah I totally get it and I think a fresh new start will invigorate your creativity hopefully. Glad to see you came to a conclusion what you want to do at least. I'm all for it if it means new episodes LOL, 😅

Sound really fun and I look forward to the new fresh start! 🍻

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Gee, I understand that you were not very happy with the story, but think twice before rewriting it all (or part of it).
Maybe you have other plans, and maybe it's better to invest in something new rather than improving something that might not have worked in the first place.
That doesn't mean that CNC Baby is a bad thing, on the contrary, there are a lot of good things in it 🥰 (the very fact that you wrote it is a good thing).
Personally, I always found Max to be the weak point, really lacking depth (I hope I wasn't too harsh 🫢).

A wimp who doesn't know what he wants, and despite his lack of personality he gets a nice girl in bed.  🙃

in any case good luck with your upcoming projects 💪


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