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Aelven Ruin Scene Part3



What happened to my Elven ruins?...

Well... I decided to take a different approach. Instead of releasing a prebuild scene made out of a few Hook5 objects.
I'll now release a Elven Ruin pack, containing a large amount of pieces. You can then use these in any scene of your choosing.

The idea, it's a bit like a box full of lego, you can build, mix and match however you like.
Hook5 offers a lot; so you can place, rotate and even scale up or down the various pieces.

I'll also provide a folder with the .obj files of the parts. This type of file you can easily import into Blender.
It might be a bit easier to construct a bigger/ complex scene within Blender then in game.

I'm now working on the last bits, mostly rubble type stuff, like broken bricks and pavements. Once these are done, I'll release the pack.





Edited by Quarz
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Nice. That would be very useful even for the ones not making a "fantasy" scene. Looking forward to this. 🤩

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