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Sooooooooooooooooo...I got asked an interesting question by a member regarding my creative universe...the "Ozverse". The question is simply put...do superheroes exist within it? That's actually a bit of a complicated question because there are so many types of characters that exist within it...it's hard to quantify any as a conventional "superhero".

I'll use 2 of my leading ladies...Lori Stiel and Victoria Crowne as prime examples. Lori is a highly trained spec-ops warfighter capable of incredible feats of skill. In many ways she's akin to Natasha Romanov...aka Black Widow, who is a well known Marvel superhero. So would that constitute Lori as a superhero? By conventional standards...yes it would. But seeing as there's a power scale within my universe and Lori is VERY MUCH mortal, is she really a superhero on account that if she does die, she's dead. Barring any obvious plot twists I would do, anyone with the pages of Stiel Maiden who gets capped...is capped. Done & gone dead.

On the OTHER end of the spectrum is Vicki...who is for most practical explanations...a God. Her power doesn't just shape reality...it IS reality. Her very existence holds the fabric of the Ozverse in place, and as her story progresses it will be revealed the extent of that power. I mean the girl literally created her own pocket dimension. A plane of existence separate from ALL other existence. However within the Ozverse there exist entities that are ontologically more powerful than Vicki. Like...LEAGUES above her in terms of scaling. These characters are what I consider "The Old Gods", where as Vicki would be one of the "New Gods". Among the Old Gods is obvious be "The Creator"...the LITERAL creator of all existence (which is technically "me"). Comparatively there is the same type of characters in Marvel known as the "One Above All", Marvel's equivalent to "God" and the "One Below All", Marvel's equivalent to Satan. So to would Vicki fall into a pantheon of Gods within the Ozverse...but she wouldn't be conventionally a superhero either.

With that said, I have kinda sorta toyed with the idea of conventional, costumed superheroes. But the biggest obstacle to doing so has nothing to do with creative limitations. No no, the biggest hinderance to making traditional superheroes is assets. As in actual outfits. It's safe to say the choices are slim pickings...as all that's available are cosplay of existing heroes; Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Power Girl and all the other various outfits available for females. So any characters I come up with would essentially have re-textures of those outfits. That's not that big of an issue, it might just give me a challenge. It's in the men's department that the real issue arises. There are practically ZERO options for a male superhero. There's a couple spandex options and a Captain America suit by @aardy...and that's it. If I were to introduce costumed superheroes, I'd want a diverse cast. That's simply not possible with what's available as far as assets. So for the time bein, superheroes within the Ozverse will be of the unconventional kind. Now if by chance anyone could share any of the classic @Keido male outfits he made back in the MG days that would move the process along...but most of that stuff has been lost to time, even to him.

Anyways, I hope that clears up the notion for anyone curious.

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Well, @petrav has some awesome hero retextures (I don't know, are they really just retextures? They are so good!); @WizardWoad, @Allure, @Number251137, @SovietTiger and others also did some really good addons or retextures

It's not that hard, really. We just need a good full spandex or catsuit, a big generic cape and generic mask types, from these we can easely craft retextures

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Confirm. All my creations are retextures: I am not a modder. Just photoshop editing.


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1 hour ago, Morius said:

Well, @petrav has some awesome hero retextures (I don't know, are they really just retextures? They are so good!); @WizardWoad, @Allure, @Number251137, @SovietTiger and others also did some really good addons or retextures

It's not that hard, really. We just need a good full spandex or catsuit, a big generic cape and generic mask types, from these we can easely craft retextures

Oh I'm well aware of their contributions. As I said in the post though...most of that content is for females. I've got no problem doing retextures for females. It's the fellas who are lacking. I can count on 1 hand the number of superhero assets their are for male models throughout the entire catalog of TK17 content.

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