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Do math da face



If there is a fact that everybody has his/her preference about what balance of facial parts looks best, there is another fact that an ideal balance of facial parts do exist. This is basically a reflection of the ideal in the face of Caucasoid though, I think it has also somehow universality in it, so I want to introduce it here. I used one of my model as an example because her face has some typical good balance among my models.

Screen-2024-02-28_11-55-05.jpg Screen-2024-02-28_11-55-05_.jpg Screen-2024-02-28_11-55-05__.jpg

As you can see it's not so complicated, is it?

Lower lids is the center of head vertically, the length from lower lids to chin equal to from lids to top of head. The width between eyes is same as eye width, so as to nose wings width. So I can say this model has bit smaller nostrils than ideal ones. Mouth width is wider than nose wings but fits within the inner width between iris. The nose length is twice the length between nostrils and the center of lips, but it's typical male face ratio, if the model is female it would be better being 1.2 or around that. The distance between the contour and the outside of the eye varies greatly depending on the FOV. It says "0.5" in that image but if the fov is very low like 0.2 the value should be 0.75, on the contrary if fov is like 0.8 to 1.0 the value should be much smaller than 0.5. It would be easier to understand if you imagine a fisheye lens.


At last,

it's not that I'm thinking the balance between facial parts should be follow this theory, rather uniqueness of faces should be respected I think. But when you are lost at creating face of models, getting back to this theory wouldn't hurt.

Thanks for reading

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There is definitely a science to facial attractiveness that's hard to replicate through 3D modelling software unless sufficiently skilled:




Goes into a lot of detail. There are objectively bad features that are universally disliked such as asymmetry and poorly developed bone structure, nobody likes blemished or uneven skin tones (not talking about shade). Of course people with these features can be attractive to some, but there's a very real pattern to who is attractive and who isn't. May be a personal preference but I enjoy your models bias towards feminine bone structure rather than the heavy, masculine bone structures that a lot seem to like. I think this is a look very popular in east asia and Russia too, maybe because women there still try to appeal to the male gaze.


Sorry for the ramble lol.

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Hey, thanks for the link, It was interested. It's crazy that there are someone on the earth who are trying to define a theory of beautiful face seriously but some of them are informative to me.

If you enjoy the tendency of my models it will be highly appreciated though, I myself think my models have kind of masculine jaw, one of the reason is I tend to put the criteria of beautiful face on rather masculine face than feminine, and think well developed jaw is a part of that criteria.

Strip 1.jpg

On the other I admit there's tendency that feminine undeveloped jaw tend to be appreciated in east-Asian countries. This is what I picked up at random from Illusion game discord server right now, and their game has far more Asian characteristics than our game.


She has made for male gaze obviously lol but I think it's interesting how different characters tend to be in different games, in different porn games I should say.

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13 hours ago, petrav said:

My models follow a slightly different geometry.

It looks to me your beauty has nearly the golden ratio, very realistic and good lighting also.

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