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OFFICIAL announcement - Warriors Of Fate




In a age lost to time, the Earth was nothing as what is known today. It was a place of mighty kingdoms which held domain across all lands. The kingdoms of Man, Aelf and Dwarf banded together as "The Accord", maintaining peace throughout their lands through this alliance. At the helm of this alliance were the high kingdom of Elrox, the Sky Kingdom. For thousands of years, the Earth knew peace. But a time of strife and turmoil was on the horizon with the rise of Loomis The Black...a warlord who had amassed an army that rivaled even the Sky Kingdom. The Accord was forced to have an emergency council, and with reluctance, Yanos Elrox - High King of the Aelfs, Primus Umber - High King of the 12 and Endrigor Glader - High King of the Stone...moved to wage war against the "Horde Of Rot". Little did anyone know this would set forth a chain of events that would change the fate of the world for millennia...

That's where things kick off within Warriors Of Fate, the high fantasy epic that will soon grace the comic section. Last year I made a really short comic where I kinda dabbled with the idea. Even though it's titled "Warriors Of Fate Volume 1" it's very much a beta of what I've actually brainstormed since. What I've come up with since is an episodic adventure that is set around a cast of characters fated to join forces in the upcoming battle against a unified evil. But there's an even darker evil looming within the shadows...and if you've read Bubble & Victoria volume 2, you know exactly "who" that darker evil is. In many ways, WoF is the "prequel" to the story I plan to tell in B&V. I know, it's a unique connection...but as both stories go on, and WoF eventually concludes, the connection will be crystal clear.

While this post is meant to formally announce that I'm officially starting the project, there's a LOT of info that I need to set up and release so that you...the reader, understand exactly what the fuck is going on. So, the setting of WoF is roughly 2000 years before the events of my modern stories. The "Veil"...the omnipresent force that connects all beings to the Earth's mana is still intact...and Vozanath, the being responsible for its destruction...doesn't exist. Not in the form she was introduced at least. No, she's still mortal in this time, still a Penumbra Witch. As this story is pretty much has a finite ending...of which we already know the result of...it won't follow the episodic flow my other works does. WoF will be more a series of separate stories revolving key characters, ultimately leading to the battle against Algoroth. From there, the story will diverge into pretty much the tale of how Vozanath came to be...and how she ultimately destroys the Veil and forces The Accord to dissolve as result. The story pretty much picks up in the pages of Bubblee & Victoria.

As far as the cast, it's going to be SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than my other projects. So much so that I can actually list the main characters here, so here goes:

Zyziel Grunwald/"The Swift" - A puckish rogue Gnome mercenary and pretty much the "main" character. He is blessed by an ancient gnomish spell known as the "Enchantment Of Matches" in their native tongue. This grants him the ability to match the actual physical strength of every opponent he fights, no matter their size. As result, every fight he ever engages in, is a fight on equal ground. This means to beat him, you have to quite literally be BETTER than him. And Zyziel himself is an extremely skilled and agile fighter. As you can imagine, this has earned him respect and infamy across the land. While he's technically a merc with no official allegiances, he's not a "sell sword", meaning he takes work from those he deems their cause worthy, not those who can pay the highest. He also has a healthy appetite for the "fairer" sex...of ANY race. Zy doesn't discriminate.

The Drehd Sisters, Kuvah, Moroah and Ahnrah - A trio of Orc Battlemaidens, the Drehd Sisters were known for being cutthroat warriors who offered their brutality to the highest bidder. That was until of course, they stumbled upon Zyziel  and Moroah foolishly challenged him to open combat. While Zyziel proclaimed he wouldn't kill the sisters, he set the terms of the fight so that should he win, Moroah would be indentured to him until he sees fit to release her. As she was beaten soundly by Zyziel, Kuvah, the oldest of the sisters made the decision that all 3 of them would indenture themselves to Zyziel The Swift rather than part ways with their sister. And so the Drehd sisters became companions of Zyziel. The youngest of the trio, Ahnrah...is blessed with an ability called "The Sight", a mysterious power of clairvoyance which allows her to not only see the true power of a person by way of their mana, but also lets her glimpse into the future for a breif moment.

Miren Olifandre/Knight Captain of the Sky Coven -  Miren Olifandre, Knight Captain of the Sky Coven. She leads the Knights of the Silver Wing, who are charged with the protection of Kingdom of Silvered Wings, one of the 4 kingdoms of the Sky Coven of Elirhia. Might, brave and just...but equally proud and stubborn, Miren has set off on a journey across the lannd in search of Loomis The Black, who is responsible for countless deaths, including that of her lover, Charon.

Luna Blackgrave/The Darkhunter - A renowned demon hunter, very little is known of her origins. What is known however, is that she's as fierce a warrior as has ever been seen. With a mysterious connection to the Void, many believe she may actually be a Knight Enchanter of the Penumbra Witches, but she claims no coven. With the rise of the Horde Of Rot, there's no questioning the demonic resonance among the forces of Loomis The Black. With the impending battle on the horizon, Luna makes her way to lend her sword to The Accord.

Vigo Helwig - A Ranger of House Ander, Vigo is one of the most skilled swordsman of the 12 houses. He also happens to be for better or worse...a total prick. Often times, he's mouth gets him in trouble, even among his own allies. But the quick witted Ranger backs his bravado up with an almost superhuman battle prowess. Ever ambitious, Vigo sees the coming war as an opportunity to perhaps gain enough renown among the Houses to form a 13th house...or at the very least make himself rich beyond means.

Aymon Halolen/Knight of the Avalais - As introduced in B&V, Aymon is an Avalais Knight, sworn protectors of the Penumbras...and the Penumbra Witches.

There will be other characters within the story, which includes the "mortal" Vozanath and Zelent, high queen of the Spriggan, but the above characters are who the story will center around, as they all eventually band together to partake in the war against Loomis The Black's forces. This story will be told across 3 chapters...the forming of their alliance, the war against Loomis, and of course...the rise of Vozanath and the destruction of the Veil. I'm REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY looking forward to telling this story, specifically to establish the presence of Mana and further set the stage for the "endgame" of Victoria's story. I'll also be doing shorter stories involving the character not attached to the central plot, to establish the characters a bit more and have a lil' fun with them. So year, that's the plan for this project. I don't have a set schedule in terms of when I'll release each volume, this is more of a pet project for me. That's pretty much it for the time being. Obviously as things develop further, I'll make follow-up entries on the project.


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It goes without saying that I am VERY excited and eagerly anticipating when you release this project. 😍

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1 hour ago, nandosuave86 said:

Vigo Helwig? I'm guessing there's clear connection to a certain Mathias Vincent Helwig?

Indeed there is a connection. Vigo is Mathias' ancient ancestor. The Helwig family in fact becomes one of the most influential and wealthiest families in the world due in part to Vigo Helwig's effort before AND after "The Severing".

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On 1/24/2024 at 6:06 AM, Oz70NYC said:

Indeed there is a connection. Vigo is Mathias' ancient ancestor. The Helwig family in fact becomes one of the most influential and wealthiest families in the world due in part to Vigo Helwig's effort before AND after "The Severing".

The Severing is the name of the event that Vozanath destroys the veil am I right?

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Just now, nandosuave86 said:

The Severing is the name of the event that Vozanath destroys the veil am I right?

Correct. It's pretty much the biggest event that's happened within the OzVerse as far as the magic/fantasy side. The ramifications of it will be explained in due time. Human's connection to Mana is actually only 1 of SEVERAL byproducts of The Severing. Again...all to be explained as the WoF and B&V stories advance. I've got some CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY plans for both stories. 

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