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Life happens. Rassía Begins Part 2 | La vida sucede



Many many MANY moons has passed since the last entry to this blog. Life happens and time keeps its relentless phase. You solve problems, new ones arise. But, we are still here, beaten up, but standing. Everything's relatively fine at home, so now we can continue this little journey. And my girls are no strangers to ups and downs, as you will see.

This is a SHITLOAD of words. Sorry about that. Nah, I'm not! 🤩

Para español, presione 2 😉 digo, sígale más abajo, joven.


Rassía's father, Miguel, had no other woman in his life after he was forced to abandon his daughter's mother. The night Miguel and Verónica spent together, became a break point in both their lives. From now on, their lives will be entangled, to the day of their demise. 

 The day after they met, Miguel was shining. He wasn't a cold dude, but he wasn't the cheeriest either. And Rassía noticed. Every time Miguel went to the Klub, he returned happier. But just a couple of days before of Rassía’s 8th birthday, Miguel arrived home with his lady friend. She was passed out. And she didn’t look well.

 Rassía witnessed how her father took care of this stranger, and was very loving and caring. When Verónica woke up, Rassía was there to greet the visitor. Verónica, REALLY hung over, greeted Rassía back. The girl started interrogating the woman in the shining clothes, as Vero wanted this annoying girl to just shut up… but she contained herself.

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 Miguel arrived from the street with food and introduced each other. Rassía didn’t approved Vero right away, but when they said goodbye some hours later, Rassía gave her permission to keep seeing her dad. That sank very well on Verónica. This little kitty had the attitude of a fierce tigress.

 Days and months passed, and from time to time, Miguel brought Vero to his home. Most of the times, Vero was in a very bad shape. Rassía learned young how an intoxicated person behaved and how a loving, caring and stubborn person dealt whit it. But when Vero was OK, she chatted and played with Rassía, they begun to get close. From this time on, Rassía began to think on Verónica as her “new” mom.

 Years passed and this came back and forth. Until one day, Verónica was bad, real bad. She lost her shine and behaved like a monster, screaming and hurting Miguel, to what he endured just caring for Vero and protecting as best as he could his little daughter. Vero was detoxing, and it was not a nice spectacle to see… or even be near to.

 And after almost of a hellish month, Vero just disappeared. Rassía and Miguel didn’t hear from Verónica for almost a month, until one day, Verónica arrived to Miguel and Rassía’s home, with a teenager girl. Verónica asked for forgiveness, for being such a burden to both. She had to get away from her now proclaimed “past life”, and wanted to settle down, and went to say good bye.


With tears in her eyes, Rassía hugged Verónica. “Goodbye, mom”, she said. The teenage girl stared at them and said to Verónica, she didn’t know she had a sister. This girl name was Monsterrat. And as in every other good telenovela, Miguel asked Verónica not to go away. To stay, everyone could stay. Vero accepted and they lived happily ever after…

 NOT! Are you shitting me? C’mon! 3 women sharing a small two bedroom apartment, with a man who never stays home? Verónica didn’t had a good job for months, and the two girls became close fast… fact that Vero didn’t know how to handle, because Montserrat was a pill. A bullet, we say in Mexico.

 Montse was a very wild kid. She skipped class, wore make up waaaay to young, and even started dating to the great dislike of her mother. The relationship between Rassía and Montse flourished: Montse was basically Rassía’s idol and wanted to be just like her. Beautiful, smart, wild. Live hard and fast.

 In the other hand, the relationship between Montse and Vero cracked, because the mother felt her daughter was over her very same steps, and she feared her kid would end up selling some love on the streets.

 Vero tried everything she could think of, to make her daughter pick other path, to no avail. Grounding, taking her money…but even trying to keep Montse inside the house was a task for a real task force. Nothing worked.

 Just after Motse became 18, and after a huge fight with her mother, she ran away. This happened as Rassía was 14. For a period of time, Verónica was adamant, looking for her kid all over. Days and weeks had passed, and something inside of Vero just broke. A couple of days after Vero felt something was wrong, Monste’s body was found in ditch, in the far south side of Guadalajara.


 From now on, Vero’s attitude changed a lot. Before Montse’s death, she wasn’t especially caring or loving to her daughters, but this tragedy made Vero want to redeem herself. She started to care, to listen, to teach the one she had left. And as tragic Montse’s death was, it helped to bring together Verónica to Rassía.

 This is how Verónica became not just a real mother to Rassía, but became her friend and accomplice in every “crime” Rassía just had thought to commit.

 Verónica showed the world as it is, raw, to a woman to has to be alone. And how a woman need to defend herself against it. Vero taught everything she knew to Rassía: How to talk to men, how move around them, how to use them in any situation, just to get some free drinks at the nightclub or to scape death threatening situations. She taught her to dress up like a hooker or like a high profile escort and to behave like it. She even taught Rassía how to be a perfect lady at the table, but a filthy whore in bed. (THEY DID NOT FUCK, THIS ISN’T AN INCEST PORN… or could it? NAH!)

 In the process, Verónica made Rassía a very confident young woman, who doesn’t hesitate to speak up her mind… but knows very well how to manipulate others. What she wants, she gets… But with great power, comes… you know what, don’t you?

 In the flourishment of the teenage Rassía, she had learned to speak English, German and Russian, because well, she can. But her mind is a mess. She was always good at school, she was even a great all-around athlete (she loves to move and keep moving), but when the time came to pick a major at the university, she could not pick anything.

 She tried law, accounting, international commerce, industrial engineering and even design, maybe to become a new Carolina Herrera. She even thought to study in the Heróico Colegio Militar, but she discarded it. Nothing was of her true liking. Then she decided to study History, in Russia.

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 Rassía’s father was a far left winger. Not a liberal, not a woke person… a real leftist, a communist. Lenin was a genius. Stalin did nothing wrong. Fidel shouldn’t have to get rid of the nukes. Gorvachov was an idiot and Yeltsin a traitor. That kind of commie. Miguel taught Rassía about his ideas, and how much he admired the good deeds of the Soviet Union. He even named his daughter as a transliteration of the biggest of the Soviet Republics.

 Rassía didn’t specially bought communism, but learned to love Russian history and culture from a young age. That’s the reason she learned Russian being a teenager. When she opted to try to go to Russia to study History, life struck again and “La Parca” took away her parents.

 After many years of relationship and even living together, Verónica and Miguel finally got married. But in her honeymoon trip, they got involved in a road accident and lost their lives. Rassía was devastated. “Luckily” for her, both Vero and Miguel had life insurances, and out of the blue, Rassía found herself with several hundred thousands of dollars in her bank account.

 And la fiesta begun. Rassía found herself grieving and trying to fill the void created for the tragedy, with party, alcohol and dicks. Lots of dicks. Even when she had no need to accept anyone’s money, she rarely spent a cent in her adventures. She started to fill her Instagram with party videos, swimsuit photos and herself living the high life. Her account began to swell and it attracted the attention of some high profile people. Mexican high profile politicians.


Little she knew, she would end up at the other side of the world, learning to kill other human beings for a nation that is not the one she was born into.

If you got to here, go check out a very old gallerie, her very first photoshoot session in the Exile!




El padre de Rassía, Miguel, no tuvo otra mujer en su vida después de que fue forzado a dejar a la mamá de su hija. Y la noche que Miguel y Verónica pasaron juntos, se convirtió en un parteaguas, para ambos. De aquí en adelante, sus vidas estarían enmarañadas, hasta el día de su muerte.

El día después de conocerse, Miguel brillaba. No era un tipo frío, pero tampoco era el más animado. Y Rassía se dio cuenta. Todas las veces que Miguel iba al Klub, regresaba más contento. Y a solo un par de días antes del cumpleaños número 8 de Rassía, Miguel llegó a casa con su amiga, que estaba muy borracha y no se veía nada bien.

Rassía atestiguó cómo su padre cuidaba de la extraña, y era muy cariñoso y cuidadoso con ella. Cuando Verónica despertó, ahí estaba Rassía para saludar a la visitante. Verónica traía una cruda de perros, pero le devolvió el saludo a la niña. Ésta última, empezó a interrogar a la señora de los brillitos, mientras que Vero rogaba a Dios por que la niña cerrara el hocico… pero no dijo nada.

Miguel llegó de la calle con algo de comida y las presentó. Rassía no aprobó a Vero de inmediato, pero horas más tarde cuando se despidieron, Rassía le dio permiso a Vero para seguir viendo a su papá. Esto cayó muy bien en Vero: La gatita tiene la actitud de una fiera tigresa.

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Días y meses pasaron, y de cuando en cuando, Miguel traía a Vero a casa. La mayoría de las veces, Vero estaba mal. Rassía aprendió muy joven, cómo se comporta una persona en estado inconveniente y cómo una persona amorosa, cuidadosa y muy terca la maneja. Pero cuando Vero se encontraba bien, platicaba y jugaba con Rassía, y comenzaron a hacerse cercanas. Desde entonces, Rassía pensaba en Vero como su “nueva” mamá.

Los años pasaron y ésta situación se repetía una y otra vez. Hasta que un día, Verónica llegó peor que nunca. Perdió su brillo y se comportaba como un monstruo, gritando y maltratando a Miguel, quien solamente aguantaba, al tiempo que intentaba proteger a su hija de la situación. Vero sufría de síndrome de abstinencia y no era un espectáculo para presenciar, o siquiera estar cerca.

Después de un mes infernal, Vero desapareció. Rassía y Miguel no escucharon de ella durante casi un mes, hasta que un día Vero regresó acompañada de una adolescente. Verónica pidió perdón, por haber sido una carga para ambos. Debía alejarse de su ahora proclamada “vida pasada” y quería sentar cabeza, y había ido a decir adiós.

Con lágrimas en los ojos, Rassía abrazó a Verónica. “Adiós, mamá”, le dijo. LA adolescente las observó y le dijo a Verónica, que no sabía que tenía una hermana. El nombre de esta chica era Montserrat. Y como en cualquier buena telenovela Miguel le pidió a Verónica que se quedaran. Todos. Vero aceptó y vivieron felices, por siempre…

No, no mames. ¡Vamos! ¿Tres mujeres compartiendo un pequeño departamento de dos recámaras con un hombre que apenas llega a dormir? Verónica no tuvo un buen empleo en algún tiempo, aunque ambas chicas se volvieron amigas muy pronto… Hecho Verónica que no sabía cómo manejar, porque Montserrat era una bala, como decimos en México.

Montse era una cría muy salvaje. Saltaba las clases, usaba maquillaje demasiado joven y empezó a salir con muchachos, para el disgusto de su madre. La relación entre Rassía y Montse floreció: básicamente, Montse se convirtió en el ídolo de Rassía, quien quería ser igual que su hermana mayor: Hermosa, inteligente y salvaje.

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Por otro lado, la relación entre Montse y su madre se quebró, porque Verónica sentía que su hija iba por sus mismos pasos, y temía que su hija terminase vendiendo caricias en la calle.

Vero intentó de todo lo que se le ocurrió para que su hija eligiera otro camino, pero sin éxito. La castigaba, le quitaba el dinero… pero incluso mantener a Montse dentro de su casa era una tarea titánica. Nada funcionó.

Apenas Montse cumplió 18 y luego de una terrible pelea a muerte con su madre, escapó de casa. Esto sucedió cuando Rassía tenía 14. Por un tiempo, Verónica era un energúmeno buscando a su hija por todos lados. Días y semanas pasaron, hasta que algo dentro de Vero se quebró. Un par de días después de que Vero sintió que algo andaba mal, el cuerpo de Montse fue encontrado en un canal, en el extremo sur de Guadalajara.

Desde ese momento, la actitud de Vero cambió. Antes de la muerte de su hija, no fue especialmente cariñosa con sus hijas, pero la tragedia hizo que Verónica quisiera redimirse. Empezó a cuidar, empezó a escuchar y enseñar a la que le quedó. La tragedia de la muerte de Monste logró que Rassía y Verónica se unieran.

Así fue como Verónica no solamente se convirtió en una madre de verdad para Rassía, sino que también se convirtió en cómplice en cada “crímen” que Rassía siquiera pensara en cometer.

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Verónica que mostró a Rassía  el mundo como es, crudo, para una mujer que debe sobrevivir sola. Y cómo debe defenderse en él. Vero le enseñó todo lo que sabía a Rassía: Cómo hablar con los hombres, moverse alrededor de ellos, como usarlos en cada situación, para conseguir alguna bebida gratis o para salir de situaciones de vida o muerte. Le enseñó a vestirse como una prosti de esquina o como escort de alto nivel, y a comportarse como tales. Le enseñó a Rassía cómo ser una dama en la mesa y una puta en la cama. (NO, NO COGIERON. ESTO NO ES UNA PELI PORNO DE INCESTO… o pudiera… ¡NAH!)

En el proceso, Verónica creó una joven mujer muy segura de sí misma, que no teme decir lo que piensa… pero que sabe manipular a otros. Lo que quiere, lo consigue. Pero con un gran poder, llega… tú sabes qué llega, ¿no?

En el florecimiento de Rassía de sus años de adolescencia, aprendió a hablar inglés, alemán y ruso, porque bueno… pudo hacerlo. Pero su cabeza es un desmadre. Siempre fue buena en la escuela, una gran atleta (le encanta moverse y quedarse moviendo). Pero a la hora de elegir carrera profesional, no pudo decidirse.

Intentó leyes, contaduría, comercio internacional, ingeniería industrial e incluso diseño, para convertirse en una nueva Carolina Herrera. Incluso pensó en estudiar armas en el Heroico Colegio Militar, pero luego cambió de idea. Nada le llenaba. Decidió entonces irse a estudiar a Rusia, historia.

Su papá era un izquierdista extremo. No era un liberal, no era una persona woke… un izquierdista de verdad, un comunista. Lenin era un genio. Stalin no hizo nada malo. Fidel no debió de deshacerse de los misiles. Gorvachov era un pendejo y Yeltsin un traidor. Ese tipo de comunista. Miguel le enseñó a su hija sus ideas, y lo mucho que admiraba los logros de la Unión Soviética. Incluso llamó a su hija como la transliteración del nombre de la república soviética más grande.

Aunque Rassía no le compró todo lo del comunismo, sí aprendió a admirar y amar la historia y la cultura rusas, desde pequeña. Por eso aprendió ruso en cuanto pudo. Y cuando al fin se decidió a irse a Rusia a estudiar historia, la vida le dio otro madrazo y la parca se llevó a sus padres.

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Después de muchos años de relación e incluso de vivir juntos, Miguel y Verónica se casaron. Pero en el viaje de la luna de miel, tuvieron un accidente carretero y perdieron la vida. Rassía estaba devastada. Para su “buena suerte”, sus padres tenían seguros de vida, y de la noche a la mañana, se encontró con varios cientos de miles de dólares en su cuenta bancaria.

Y fiesta. Rassía manejó muy mal su luto, intentando llenar el vacío creado por la tragedia, con fiesta, alcohol y pitos. Muchos pitos. Y aunque  no tenía necesidad de aceptar dinero de nadie, rara vez debía pagar un centavo en sus aventuras. Comenzó a llenar su cuenta de Instagram con videos de fiestas, fotos en traje de baño y de ella viviendo la vida loca. Su cuenta se comenzó a hinchar, y atrajo la atención de personas de alto perfil. Políticos mexicanos de alto perfil.


Poco sabía ella, que terminaría del otro lado del mundo, aprendiendo cómo matar a otro ser humano para una nación que no la que le vio nacer.

Si llegaste hasta acá, ¡échale un ojito a la primera galería de fotos que hizo aquí en el Exilio!

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¡Ay ay ay, que esa Rassía es tremenda! Me encanta cómo muestras la cruda realidad en el trasfondo de Rassía, y sé que pinta muy bien para que todo dé pie y encaje en el trasfondo de todo.

Ahora que me doy cuenta, Rassía y Dani están unidas por la tragedia, cada una a su modo, pero el hecho de que puedan platicar sobre esas cosas, más el añadido de Montse que no había tocado en el cómic se presta para tocarlo en cierta forma en un futuro. Bravo, carnal. Cada día me atrae más la historia de la Tigresa Siberiana.

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48 minutes ago, Trapp said:

¡Ay ay ay, que esa Rassía es tremenda! Me encanta cómo muestras la cruda realidad en el trasfondo de Rassía, y sé que pinta muy bien para que todo dé pie y encaje en el trasfondo de todo.

Ahora que me doy cuenta, Rassía y Dani están unidas por la tragedia, cada una a su modo, pero el hecho de que puedan platicar sobre esas cosas, más el añadido de Montse que no había tocado en el cómic se presta para tocarlo en cierta forma en un futuro. Bravo, carnal. Cada día me atrae más la historia de la Tigresa Siberiana.

Pues sí, por eso cuando la colaboración comenzó estuve convencido de que embonarían bien el par de rorras. Agradezco humildemente las flores, y aunque el personaje de Montse no se puede desarrollar mucho más, pues ahí está para lo que se ofrezca 😉 

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Li em espanhol porque quero treinar o bagulho (só a parte da bala que li em inglês, mas acabou que peguei em espanhol mesmo).

Ótimo resumo! Principalmente porque revela algumas coisas que não estavam bem explicadas! 

Montserrat é um nome bem exótico, não?

Ainda não me entra bem na garganta a morte de Vero e Miguel. Acho que eles são como o pai de Natacha, Nataniel, personagens tão impactantes que você sempre pensa neles, no que eles tem a dizer, o que eles vão aprontar, que conselho bonito vão dar, até que você lembra que eles estão mortos. 😞

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15 minutes ago, Morius said:

Li em espanhol porque quero treinar o bagulho (só a parte da bala que li em inglês, mas acabou que peguei em espanhol mesmo).

Ótimo resumo! Principalmente porque revela algumas coisas que não estavam bem explicadas! 

Montserrat é um nome bem exótico, não?

Ainda não me entra bem na garganta a morte de Vero e Miguel. Acho que eles são como o pai de Natacha, Nataniel, personagens tão impactantes que você sempre pensa neles, no que eles tem a dizer, o que eles vão aprontar, que conselho bonito vão dar, até que você lembra que eles estão mortos. 😞

Al particular, sé de lo que hablas. Yo he vivido toda la vida bajo la sombra del padre de mi padre, porque todo mundo lo recuerda como un gran hombre, pero yo no lo recuerdo porque él murió siendo yo todavía un bebé de brazos. Pero siempre me he preguntado qué sería si pudiera hablar con él. Quizá, si existe algo después de este plano, pueda hacerlo algún día.

Y curiosamente Montserrat sí es exótico, pero es relativamente común, aquí. Conozco a varias 🤩

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A very interesting and promising read. She's a nuanced and interesting character...and not hard on the eyes as well. It's always a joy seeing others put so much effort into their characters. There's a difference between a "model" and a character. A model is something merely created to be a fucktoy in a porn game. The characters of the community are the ones I have the most vested interest in. Rassia has always been one of my top 5, and I'm looking forward to using her within my creative universe. I can only hope I do the prime version justice.

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12 minutes ago, Oz70NYC said:

A very interesting and promising read. She's a nuanced and interesting character...and not hard on the eyes as well. It's always a joy seeing others put so much effort into their characters. There's a difference between a "model" and a character. A model is something merely created to be a fucktoy in a porn game. The characters of the community are the ones I have the most vested interest in. Rassia has always been one of my top 5, and I'm looking forward to using her within my creative universe. I can only hope I do the prime version justice.

I'm sure you'll do. As a matter of fact, Rassía was born as a character of a therapeutic work. Some years back I felt real bad and the situations kept getting worse in my mind. I kept afloat thanks to my then little child and my wife, but to get better someone recommended to start writing. I love women, I admire them and I have always put a lot of attention to them. I've got some great women near me and Rassía is kinda a mash up of all the great women I've known, plus a very lewd personality because of reasons. She's a project to my real life and I hope someday get something from her. For obvious reasons, what I share here has something to do with my main project, but not as is. The core "lore" isn't in here. Just a small part of her story. But I can let her "sexy" side set free in here. And she's deranged, as most of us that are here, let me tell you.

What if found amazing, is that I gave Rassía a face and a body in the TK17. I've known the game since SexVi||a2 and this was also therapeutic for me. Maybe my RL economy hasn't improved a lot, but my mind is a lot better now.

So, she's complicated, she's got a lot of adventures, issues and versions. That's why I decided to share her in here, bc I love to see other people's interpretations of her, bc the multiverse is "in" these days. I'm literal Rassía's father (no I'm not named Miguel but I'm a crazy commie) and as every father, I want my kids to grow and shine in other lands.

So, I'm very convinced that any version of her, enriches her. And I'm really looking forward to watch it.

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...and then it turns out that the car accident wasn't really an accident it was actually those high profile politicians and now shes out for revenge! 🤣


Very cool backstory I loved it. She is a very sexy lady with tons of charisma. You can just tell from those amazing pics you take. 😍

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22 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

I'm sure you'll do. As a matter of fact, Rassía was born as a character of a therapeutic work. Some years back I felt real bad and the situations kept getting worse in my mind. I kept afloat thanks to my then little child and my wife, but to get better someone recommended to start writing. I love women, I admire them and I have always put a lot of attention to them. I've got some great women near me and Rassía is kinda a mash up of all the great women I've known, plus a very lewd personality because of reasons. She's a project to my real life and I hope someday get something from her. For obvious reasons, what I share here has something to do with my main project, but not as is. The core "lore" isn't in here. Just a small part of her story. But I can let her "sexy" side set free in here. And she's deranged, as most of us that are here, let me tell you.

What if found amazing, is that I gave Rassía a face and a body in the TK17. I've known the game since SexVi||a2 and this was also therapeutic for me. Maybe my RL economy hasn't improved a lot, but my mind is a lot better now.

So, she's complicated, she's got a lot of adventures, issues and versions. That's why I decided to share her in here, bc I love to see other people's interpretations of her, bc the multiverse is "in" these days. I'm literal Rassía's father (no I'm not named Miguel but I'm a crazy commie) and as every father, I want my kids to grow and shine in other lands.

So, I'm very convinced that any version of her, enriches her. And I'm really looking forward to watch it.

I couldn't agree more, especially in the statement of how seeing others use your characters enriches your own vision for them. The only reason I haven't shared any of my major characters is twofold: 

1. I want to wait until their respective stories are done before doing so.

2. Most of my characters are so specialized in terms of content used that it'd just be a complete pain in the ass to put everything together to share them. 

I'll use my male character Holden A. Gunn who I shared in 2021 for example. The sheer amount of content needed to get him to look as he does in my game in the game of someone else is staggering, and he relies heavily on mods a lot of people either don't have or don't use. I shared him regardless because of the lacking selection of male models regardless...but to get him to work you need ALL of the content I provided in the archive, as well as the content from the related links. And he's "light" compared to other characters. Like...if I were to ever share for example...Lori Stiel...you'd need to set aside at LEAST a GB of space for all of the addons and textures used to pull her off. And on lower end PCs she'd make your set-up choke. I could always create a "lite" version of my characters...but that would take away from the mythos of them. Her skindef files alone are nearly 300mb. My characters aren't cheap when it comes too the amount of content needed to make them what they are.

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1 hour ago, demonv1 said:

...and then it turns out that the car accident wasn't really an accident it was actually those high profile politicians and now shes out for revenge! 🤣


Very cool backstory I loved it. She is a very sexy lady with tons of charisma. You can just tell from those amazing pics you take. 😍

WHO TOLD YOU!? WHO SENT YOU?? I mean... No, you are wrong mister 🤫

Keep returning for the next chapter of this telenovela 🤩😉

48 minutes ago, Oz70NYC said:

I couldn't agree more, especially in the statement of how seeing others use your characters enriches your own vision for them. The only reason I haven't shared any of my major characters is twofold: 

1. I want to wait until their respective stories are done before doing so.

2. Most of my characters are so specialized in terms of content used that it'd just be a complete pain in the ass to put everything together to share them. 

I'll use my male character Holden A. Gunn who I shared in 2021 for example. The sheer amount of content needed to get him to look as he does in my game in the game of someone else is staggering, and he relies heavily on mods a lot of people either don't have or don't use. I shared him regardless because of the lacking selection of male models regardless...but to get him to work you need ALL of the content I provided in the archive, as well as the content from the related links. And he's "light" compared to other characters. Like...if I were to ever share for example...Lori Stiel...you'd need to set aside at LEAST a GB of space for all of the addons and textures used to pull her off. And on lower end PCs she'd make your set-up choke. I could always create a "lite" version of my characters...but that would take away from the mythos of them. Her skindef files alone are nearly 300mb. My characters aren't cheap when it comes too the amount of content needed to make them what they are.

Well, I believe is worth sharing them. Maybe us a titanic task, but I guarantee it might bring some spectacular versions of your characters if you decide to share them as they are.

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