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The Love We Live: The Second Chapter



I just wanted to make a write filling folks in on where things are going. Initially, with the next couple volumes of TLWL, I had planned to re-introduce Lucas Watts, Henry Reese's now estranged best friend who cheated on him with his now ex-wife Christine Vincent ne' Reese at the tale end of the next volume, 13. Well, as what usually happens with me when I have a good idea...it took on a life of its. Rather than just bring him back into the story in bits & pieces...it's turned into a full blown side story where a series of events unfold with Luke as he tries to adjust to living in Los Angeles that was just WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too good to spread out. By & large the plans I have for Luke is still the same, they're just going to happen faster then I initially anticipated. In all honesty, I'm having a blast putting this side story together, as it allows me to not only introduce new characters on the west coast...including a character from another KE member who plays a pivotal role in Luke's story going forward...but it allows me to delve into the flawed and misguided nature of Lucas Watts.

For those who haven't read the previous volumes (of which you can catch up on it all by visiting the blog of mine made previous to this one), Luke puts on a brave face...but is an extremely damaged man. The product of a broken home, Luke's issues manifest in him making poor choices. Choices that over the 22 years he'd known Hank, his best friend would have to bail him out of. Lucas looked to Hank a brother, and to Franklin Reese as a father. Since betraying his friend and exiling himself from Empire City due to the fallout, he no longer has that safety net. For the 1st time in a long time, he's got to make decisions on his own. Decisions that if they don't pan out, he has to face alone. I feel the need to do this for Luke to go into his mental to state and reveal what possessed him to do what he did to Henry, and how he's coping with losing the only true family he's ever known. Without going into details or spoiling too much, Luke's tale will be a story of self discovery and coming to terms with one's actions. It was never my intentions to make Luke out to be a "villain" type character. He's just a fuck up, and fucked up in the worst possible way. His story is about taking accountability, learning from one's mistakes and coming out on the other side better. It's kind of a redemption story, but what he's redeeming is his own self worth.

TLWL Vol.14 will pretty much serve as the start of the "2nd Chapter" of the story. As I mentioned in a previous blog, the plan is to branch out and focus on the doings of the other characters and scenarios I've introduced outside of Henry, Bianca, Rory and Jaeleen...though there will be MAJOR events happening with our 4 main characters. Specifically an HUGE event involving Rory that's going to shake that side of the story to its core. Volume 16 specifically will be a milestone, as it will mark the passage of a full year since the night the 4 main characters came together and their lives were forever changed. It's in this volume to 2 of the biggest events to happen thus far will take place. As far as Volumes 14 and 15, those 2 will be solely focused on Luke, and the events within will span about a month. From there comes the 2 major events of vol. 16, and branching out to the other characters. And yes, even Lori Stiel and James Sullivan will reappear within the 2nd chapter of the story as well. In fact, I think it'll be quite surprising to those of you who have followed my collective work how this happens. (Spoiler: So far, I've only shown Lori interacting with Priya Persat and Zenaida Dupri, not Bianca. There's a reason for it...which will be revealed when she Lori shows up in TLWL again.)

Sooooooo yea. I've a lot of of things happening. And what's even better is I have the time to do it, and there's no blockage of ideas. I've managed to find a workflow where I actually have several volumes of all of my stories already done...in terms of the images. All that's needed is putting the actual comics together. In terms of TLWL, volumes 13, 14 and parts of 16 have all the images grabbed. (Why not 15? Well, I'm working on that as I typed this. I originally had planned for 15 to actually be "16", but again...I came up with so much good shit for the Luke side story that I decided to give Luke 2 whole volumes focused on him. TK17-158 2024-01-08 07-19-31-81.jpg

I also made some MASSIVE changes to Luke since the last time we saw him. 1st off switching his head mod to the GEMale head. NeatMcGee's male head is nice, but the eyes are too narrow, and seeing as I tend to focus a lot on the face and facial expressions...I needed something with more versatility. Also, he's completely shaved his head. When last we saw him, he had cut it short, but since being in LA he's opted to go clean bean. He had also shaved his beard, but he's slowly letting it grow back out. I also gave him a completely new skin texture thanks in part to the skindef system and @HDiddy's body hair layers. I've actually been in the slow process of converting all of my story used characters to skindefs, since only the ABSOLUTELY MOST RAREST OF OCCASIONS will these characters ever be shared.

That's pretty much the shape of things to come regarding TLWL. This March will mark 4 years of me working on this story, and doing comics as a whole. It's CRAZY to think it's already been nearly 4 years. I delved into this while NYC was on lockdown from COVID, and I've not turned back. TLWL of all of my stories is my passion project, because it's an extension of ideas and stories I had come up with from the years I had played The Sims (TS3 namely) after getting out of the military. But I'll save that for another blog. MORE COMICS ARE ON THE WAY!!! Like...a LOT more. WE ROCKIN' BABY!!!

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Recommended Comments

I've been waiting long to see Luke's story unfold, and I know it will be worth it! Same with Rory, he's got a past that I'm dying to know more of! Godspeed, Oz! We're almost there!

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43 minutes ago, Trapp said:

I've been waiting long to see Luke's story unfold, and I know it will be worth it! Same with Rory, he's got a past that I'm dying to know more of! Godspeed, Oz! We're almost there!

Agreed. Especially in how TLWL Vol. 0 retconned how Luke actually felt sleeping with Christine. In the original it seemed like he didn't give a damn, but in Vol. 0 there was actually some remorse on Luke's part. That clearly played out in the last conversation he had with Frank before leaving Empire City. Also, his new look is simple, but fitting.

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1 hour ago, Trapp said:

I've been waiting long to see Luke's story unfold, and I know it will be worth it! Same with Rory, he's got a past that I'm dying to know more of! Godspeed, Oz! We're almost there!

The Lucas Chronicles will set up an overarching story where things eventually come full circle, but that's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down the road as there's a lot of other things to happen before that. As for Rory, well...let me just say there's a reason why he's put so much distance between him and where he was born...Perth, Australia. 

14 minutes ago, Rob_Rebel89 said:

Agreed. Especially in how TLWL Vol. 0 retconned how Luke actually felt sleeping with Christine. In the original it seemed like he didn't give a damn, but in Vol. 0 there was actually some remorse on Luke's part. That clearly played out in the last conversation he had with Frank before leaving Empire City. Also, his new look is simple, but fitting.

Funny you mention that, as it's another one of the motives behind retconning ECS:B 1, 2 and 3 into TLWL 0, because I wanted to do more with Luke instead of just having him fade into the ether following Hank & Christine's divorce. I actually came up with Luke's backstory well after I had finished the confrontation of Henry revealing he knew of their betrayal. So between retconning with TLWL 0, and the last interaction between Luke and Frank before that I'd planted the proper seeds for where his story will eventually lead him. But like I mentioned above, there's a lot that's going to happen before we get to that point.

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4 minutes ago, Rob_Rebel89 said:

So does this mean we're going to get an entirely new cast of characters on the west coast?

Yes, but it's going to be SIGNIFICANTLY smaller. Like, only about 9 characters total...and of those 10 only 4 will actually be the focal point of Luke's storyline; Him, his new love interest, her best friend and a co-worker Luke has befriended during his time in LA. Also bare in mind that it's been 6 months since Luke left EC, so he's been out there long enough to put down small roots, which will be evident in how things start when he makes his return appearance. It's not going to be a case where he's just starting out, he's passed that point. He's already found a job, moved into an absolute shack of an apartment and has already been in the process of piecing a life for himself together. I also want to preface, this will NOT be a confident and cocky Luke. Not as he was in EC. This Luke is subdued and borderline defeated. At the start the only things keeping him going was the final words Frank said to him before he departed.

Funny thing is, when I was originally planning the Luke side story, I DID plan on it being an "origin" arch, focusing on Luke's migration from the east coast to the west coast. But like a number of ideas I've had, lack of resources hindered me from doing so. While we do have a bus toy by @MarkZappa which I was going to use...turns out Luke's too big for the bus, LOL! There's no way I could fit him in any of the seats without shrinking him to normal size, and Luke's a big guy...so I decided to scrap the idea and make things real time with the rest of the story...so 6 months has passed since left EC. Remember, as of TLWL 12 it's been 4 months since Hank and Christine's divorce was finalized. So there's another 2 month time skip upon Luke's sidestory start. And both volumes focusing on him span 1 month, so that'll be 3 months, marking a full year since the events of TLWL 0 took place. So yea, TLWL 15 will be 1 full calendar year since the story began. And the 2nd year is going to be chock full of shocks and surprises.

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