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SkyForge cave scene, Part 2.



Started to create my own textures for the SkyForge cave scene.
Picked a more desert red/ orange setting. Grayish green color has been done to death.

Still have some work to do on the "benches". Texture don't really fit that nicely.
And the stone reliefs got stretched a bit to much. And it's obviously a photo 🙃

Was trying to pull of a sort of "magic" effect in the bowl. Thought I could use the water effect setting on it.
But that didn't seem to work. Have to do some looking up on how to apply an animation to a texture.

Would love it to give it a swirly feeling: if that is possible. 😛

Another edit I would like to pull of is to change what texture gets used on the 3d mesh/ object that is the bowl.
Could I just edit the .bs/ /.bs* files that make up the scene, alter the name of the texture to point to another? 








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16 hours ago, superderp said:

This looks fantastic.  We need more cave rooms, more magic rooms, and here's one for both.

Happy to oblige! I've started to dig into creating Hook5 objects and the like.
The aim is to get into creating new modeled scenes. Have some minor experience in 3D modelling and the like.

Would be fun using it more and to improve it. 

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Would love it to give it a swirly feeling: if that is possible. 

Another edit I would like to pull of is to change what texture gets used on the 3d mesh/ object that is the bowl.
Could I just edit the .bs/ /.bs* files that make up the scene, alter the name of the texture to point to another? 


Hi, theorically the animation with the .bs file is possible because you have some base game room where you can change texture (like the bench texture in the street one) but I don't know if you can make complex things with it. But since you make an H5 room maybe it's more simple to use an Hook5 animated texture (it's a succession of png and you choose a framerate to set-up the speed of the animation), you can take inspiration of H5 rooms with an animated screen or download the cum toy replacer for the schalkboard which use this kind of texture


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@Exiled_Vizir Thanks a bunch, I'll have a peek at that toy!
I'm already experimenting with a Hook5 object I made.

I've posted a question about it in the forums. Done some searching here on the forums about the animated texture stuff.
Sadly, so far it doesn't work. But I do have my object in the game 😄

So that's a minor win for me already! ^_^


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