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Censor Mesh



I guess not many people know, but the game has some additional meshes loaded ingame, only those are hidden and their usage is not documented.



The censor mesh looks like a separate mesh that covers the genitals, its usage like said above is not well known to me.

Back to my original idea, one of the problems in my early cloth porting/modding days I was baffled and annoyed by the fact that I always had to adjust tight pants and panties in the crotch area, and because of the protruded genitals I always had issues to achieve a tight fit. And more problems coming from the need to weight paint that area, should I weight paint pants and panties and underwear with vagina_joint01.L and R and others?

Those days, because I work with G3F bodies, I have another problem that comes from the merging of the base body with another mesh called (in daz language) a geograft (the genitals). In theory I should merge some vertices, keep some of the new ones and remove some of the original vertices from the body meshe. But this has the potential to mess up later in development with my vertex index/vertex count.

So as a solution, I decided to stop removing vertices and keep the old ones that should be removed and convert it as a censor mesh. In fact is not even a mesh, only a part (a separate material) of the body mesh.

After some more scripting, I came with this solution that allows me to hide the materials for genitals/censor faces.

Check the video how it works in practice.

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That was an interesting read! Something tells me it’s a very importante piece of advice if I ever will create cloth meshes. 

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Maybe I have not understood anything, but could this same stuff be applied to breasts to avoid clipping?

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Not really. This technique is something I would use if I want to do some very tight pants or panties and the genitals mesh stays in the way.

The game already has the option to hide some body parts, but this also leaves a hole in there, so if the cloth is not covering the entire hidden body part you might have "visual" issues with the mesh. What I try to use instead is to hide the genital mesh, just like everyone else would do it:

		DressCmd . {
			.Show I32(-1);
			.Target :P + "Body:body_subdiv_cageShape__body_genital01_SG";

, but instead of leaving a hole in there, I also put something back to fill in the missing faces.


For breasts going the same path could be a complication, because breasts can be fixed in other ways, with morphs, including the nipples that could be flatted out and projected to an inside sphere.

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Just yesterday I wondered if the genital cap texture in outfit tab could achieve the same result. The answer is no, it simply fills the gap in bodystocking or pantyhose.

Therefore this could prove very useful.

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