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When You're Stuck In A Rut...



It's no secret that I haven't had the best time currently. It's actually been quite stressful and at times, morbidly depressing. I recall when my grandmother passed away, my mother said something about her really disliking the month of August. Sorry to all Leos and Virgos born in this month... But I kinda have to agree with grandma.

With all the changes in my life and the process of adapting to a new house, a new supervisor at work that is really riding my ass (no pun intended) and my current mental and emotional state, not to mention the months I've spent sleeping barely five hours a day because of the time zone difference between my location and where my job is... My fuel for creativity is running a little low. So, instead of dedicating what little time I have working on comics and stressing myself out even more than necessary with writing, drafting and planning... I'm going to take a bit of a different approach to things. I'm still going to put out comics, but right now I just want to take a breather from obsessive focus on them. So, I'll be posting some galleries instead. Something that doesn't take as much time and effort as the comics do and that is ultimately fun to make. I guess that's the keyword here: FUN.

Sayaka's Stalker (3).png
If you're a weeb/enthusiast of Anime like I am, you'll recognize this pose. If not, I don't blame you.
Also, next in the Gravure Love cue is Sayaka with a very interesting story to tell!

I have been working on some stuff for comics and all of that, but being so scatterbrained and absorbed by work, I would rather go into this slow and steady. I do have a few previews I want to show you without spoiling too much. First up: CNC Baby #2 is still nowhere near completion. While I do have most of the comic's structure ready (including a long-awaited appearance!), I am taking my time with the process of picture taking. And with my way of narration and how anal (whoop! There it goes again!) I am with poses and angles and making things look "alive" if that makes sense, the capturing process is taking me forever now. Between checking for light sources, figuring out if the models are set properly within the rooms and the usual things that occur with TK17, it can take me between 3-4 hours just to set up a scene. As an example, let's look below:

The Klub 17-0051.png
CNC Baby will serve as a vehicle to bring out quite a few ladies I had abandoned. See if you can guess
who this babe is!

To me, ambience and visuals are just as important as words when telling a story. There are people that excel at visual narration, and there are several examples here within the community. But I'm a person that is constantly talking to himself, either out loud or in my own head. I have a nearly pathological need to hear a conversation in my head, even though I'll probably be the quietest person in a room most of the time. This scene is about revealing key information about Max Huerta, the male protagonist of CNC Baby. And the dichotomy between how I want to portray him and how I have done it so far (outside of the story) makes him a very difficult character to write, because when I see him, I don't know anything about his motivations. What does his dark side look like? Is there a hint of that in the way he acts in public? The idea of him having friends guiding him as a moral compass is interesting. Maybe because that's something I feel I've been lacking for a long time myself. In any case, it's always good to have an outside perspective on things.

As for the rest... Well, Gravure Love is definitely happening. Maverick, I'm not so sure anymore. I've got material and the will to work on it. But I cannot focus on doing more serious stuff without taking the time to do it. And I think that's what it all comes down to in the end: I need time to be Trapp. I do know that at times, distance from anything you're giving a lot to is required. But whenever I sit here and try to work on stuff, sometimes... The inspiration doesn't come. So I think for now, all I can do is focus on doing small things at once. Not necessarily written narration, but something more visual. Hone my skills and see what I can come up with. I do have plans to bring back The Stone Sisters for a new adventure, but like I said, I want to take my time. However, time really hasn't been on my side lately, so all I can do is let things flow as they naturally should. Hopefully it doesn't take longer than I expect it to!

In any case, I think it's time for a well-deserved break from comics. I'll keep on creating galleries and see what comes out, and hopefully developing ideas that could be useful for future publications. Until then, I can only hope to ride this wave and get my groove back on. I leave you for now with some more stuff I've been working on:

Summer Time With Dani (3).png

I want to thank @PsychoCatGirl for this dress. I love how it looks, and it helped me develop something a bit more lighthearted for Dani. With my plans for the story, I definitely need more of this.

The Klub 17-0063.png

And here are The Stone Sisters again. It's been a long time since I did anything with them after the World Cup gallery, so this is bound to be a lot of fun!

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Well yes, you are very creative and have several different stories and many characters, so I have no idea about most of the things you talk about 😅 I hope I can eventually find the time to catch up. Anyway, get some rest and definitely avoid obsessiveness, especially during difficult moments in life, it reflects very unhealthily in the final bill. 

Very interesting post, by the way, one can learn a thing or two about you by analyzing it 🤔 And I didn't say that just to use that word 😛 It sounds like something I would do, agreed, but....

Good to see Dani wearing panties 🤭 Only unchurched girls don't do that ☺️


(I didn't even know "unchurched" is a word, thanks DeepL 😄 It's perfect!) 

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Your health comes first 👍 , be sure to take a few breaks from time to time to recharge your batteries .You`re doing exactly the right thing 👌, it should be fun 😅

and don`t stress 🤯 .

So please never lose the FUN of it 😊 .

I`m totally celebrating it being here , make nonsens ,funny pictures , I`m not really a great modder 😅 .

You and your creative work is a great piece of this awesome community , so don`t get lost and take care of yourself .

Short analysis 😅 : Take your time 😎

Saltute Enzo 👋


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6 hours ago, PsychoCatGirl said:

Very interesting post, by the way, one can learn a thing or two about you by analyzing it 🤔 And I didn't say that just to use that word 😛 It sounds like something I would do, agreed, but....

Good to see Dani wearing panties 🤭 Only unchurched girls don't do that ☺️

You should watch me every time I hear something that can be used as an innuendo, it's ridiculous... And as a matter of fact, she wasn't wearing any before! The sides of the bikini bottom clipped through the dress, so I took them off originally. However, that didn't stop me from going full "wardrobe malfunction" on her... 😈

Just now, Enzo said:

So please never lose the FUN of it 😊

Yes! That's exactly it! Once things stop being fun, you need to break away from it for awhile. And the last thing I want is to lose any of that and fall out of love with the game. So, yeah... A break is needed.

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Well, I'm a Leo. And my favorite one, my beloved Rassía, is a Leo too. Sooooooooooooo there's that. I've known quite a few people who feel that way about my birthmont, but that's ok, I definitely not take it personal. I have no special disliked month, maybe May, bc at home the heat climbs up to unsurmountable highs and seems eternal to me. Anyway, I have been waiting for CNC Baby 2 for so long, I don't know if the story took other direction. But I'm still waiting and enjoying what you release.

From your girls I love Dani and is always a treat to watch her. And let's be honest here, maybe you've got so many characters like my comrade @Morius, so I just picked the one I liked the most and stick to her like nobody's business. 

Keep on and up the good work, comrade. The time will come when tranquility would be the norm. And maybe, just maybe, it'll coincide with you having time and feeling like resuming the paused work.

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Just now, SovietTiger said:

I have no special disliked month, maybe May, bc at home the heat climbs up to unsurmountable highs and seems eternal to me.

I agree, and living in the desert, the weather starts becoming unbearable during the Spring... But to be fair, August isn't really bad. At least it's not as hot lately! 🤭

Just now, SovietTiger said:

Anyway, I have been waiting for CNC Baby 2 for so long, I don't know if the story took other direction. But I'm still waiting and enjoying what you release.

From your girls I love Dani and is always a treat to watch her. And let's be honest here, maybe you've got so many characters like my comrade @Morius, so I just picked the one I liked the most and stick to her like nobody's business. 

Fret not, for the story hasn't changed at all. It's just a matter of getting my ass to work. And speaking of, what we talked about? That is coming on this issue! I wanted to make a case for Dani building up the courage to tell Max how she feels, so this is where it's happening! But with my current ambitions, I think a change of setting might be appropriate. But fret not, things will remain mostly unchanged!

And as for Dani, yeah. I feel the same way as you. Which is why I made my latest gallery to showcase a side to her that I didn't really explore and that I want to see more of. I just want her to be a complete human being for this!

Also, thank you. It's been stressful this past month, but I have hope that things will be okay in the end. But I also gotta put the work in for it!

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