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Character Profile: Lori Stiel




Name: Lorelai Sihu Stiel

Age: 32

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 155lbs.

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: Native American (Hopi)/Unknown

Relatives: Unknown Mother, John Stiel (Father/Deceased), Etka Stiel (Paternal Grandmother)

Occupation: Former Captain in the United States Marine Corps/Auditor of Clandestine Intervention, Combat & Logistics Operations (C.I.C.L.ops)

Character Type: Bold/Heroic/Fearless/Disciplined/Tomboyish

Musical Representation:

The origin of how I came up with the character Lori Stiel stems from many different places. When I decided to embark on telling an action story, I immediately knew I wanted the main character to be a female. Why? Cuz it's so rare. Usually in the story types involving espionage, military and drama, the hero is your garden variety white guy. So when I brainstormed who my main character was, I settled on a Native American female lead for a number of reasons...the most notable are 1, how many stories in ANY medium have you seen with a Native American as the main character? 2, the idea of telling a story from the perspective of a female special operations agent (of which there are none in real life) is a fresh perspective to dive into. 

So "where" did Lori's inspiration come from? Well, truth be told she's inspired from a design standpoint from 2 females, one real...one virtual; fitness influencer Lori Slayer (Also where I derived her name) and video game character Panam Palmer of Cyberpunk 2077. I envisioned her to be an extremely fit woman. One would have to be in order to survive the rigors of being a tier 1 operator. Thankfully, @HDiddy's XBody allows for very intricate body morphing. Her morphs are a combination of @Sammrchssn's Muscle Woman and @Birol's Fitness body mods, with a bit of @pervokpetr's Female Body 2 so she can fit most clothing without significant clipping. In terms of her actual personality, well...it's basically "me"...if I were a woman. Many if not all of Lori's character nuances, mannerism and reactions are pretty much how I'd react if put in the scenarios he's put in. Makes write her dialog pretty damned easy. Rather than make her the typical "Mary Sue" hero who's protected by walls of plot armor, I prefer to portray her as being strong willed, but vulnerable. A woman conflicted by her duty and her need to BE a woman...which don't always align. In fact, it NEVER aligns. Lori and John Herrig are essentially 2 sides of the same coin, which is why (as of Vol.8) she takes such ownance into bringing him down...because she understands under different circumstances she could easily been him. Internally, she blames herself for not "stopping" him, even though she had no idea what was going on in his head. That's one of the biggest character traits (or flaws) I want to showcase with the character...her need to be the fixer. But in all her efforts to try and fix the world and lives of those around her, she's never stopped to do so for her own. (That's of course where James comes in.) While not a tormented, tortured soul...she's not emotionally calibrated completely. The wear and tear of over a decade as a warfighter has taken its toll on her.

Now, as far as what the future holds for our heroine, well...that's still to be determined. In the next few volumes, there will be many revelations that will forever alter her life going forward. A couple of them good, a couple of them bad...but all of them will drastically alter the trajectory of Lori's life within this story...and beyond. Up to this point in the story, I've shown her to be a strong fighter, a giving friend and a passionate lover. But I plan on delving deeper into what truly makes her tick. Her aspirations, motivations and of course her fears. All while trying to overthrow a plot by a terrorist corporation to overthrow the world's governments. There's a LOT left to be told in the story of Lori, and I'm looking forward to showly peeling back all of the layers as she navigates conflict, loyalty and romance.

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Okay, first the obvious out of the way: Lori Slayer is RIPPED! I can absolutely see the resemblance between her and your Lori! Also, great call on Panam, she's the hottest girl in Cyberpunk 2077!

With the thirst out of the way, I love Lori as a character. She's sassy, determined, a total badass, yet very human. Those traits in modern female characters are far and in-between from the massive cesspool of Mary Sues plaguing modern media today. In her, I see a little bit of Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor, really taking me back to the late 80s/early 90s female badasses. Lori could easily be placed among those hallowed characters in my book. She is THAT good.

Also, great choice in music! The video was pretty cool too!

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6 hours ago, Trapp said:

Okay, first the obvious out of the way: Lori Slayer is RIPPED! I can absolutely see the resemblance between her and your Lori! Also, great call on Panam, she's the hottest girl in Cyberpunk 2077!

With the thirst out of the way, I love Lori as a character. She's sassy, determined, a total badass, yet very human. Those traits in modern female characters are far and in-between from the massive cesspool of Mary Sues plaguing modern media today. In her, I see a little bit of Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor, really taking me back to the late 80s/early 90s female badasses. Lori could easily be placed among those hallowed characters in my book. She is THAT good.

Also, great choice in music! The video was pretty cool too!

I'm SUPER glad you came to that realization, cuz that was more or less by design. Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor are IMHO by far the GREATEST female protagonists ever written. Why? Because they're not "female heroes"...they're heroes that are female. There's a HUGE difference. There's no agenda behind why the character is the hero, they just become the hero of their story organically by way of circumstance. In the case of Ellen that circumstance was protection, and in Sarah that circumstance was survival. No preordained destiny. No "I'm strong because I have to surpass the men" bullshit. They start out as just plain, ordinary women...and are forced to rise to the occasion over the course of their respective stories. But even within that, they're vulnerable and actually terrified of the task they have to undertake to live another day. As I highlighted in Vol.7.5, Lori actually hates that she's good at what she does. She's proud of her service, but deep down wishes she could have just been a normal young woman, not one gifted in the art of war. At her core she's just a loving, caring, empathetic woman who wants her friends and family to be safe. And that's the force that pushes her forward. Even back as far as Vol.1 and how she dealt with Raisha & Ayla I planted those seeds of her character. Could I have just had them battle it out? Of course I could. But when face with the situation where death isn't the only option, Lori will choose the other option 99% of the time. 

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So, now that I've converted the units of height and weight to those used by normal humans (ah, I'm kidding, as always ☺️), I think you've got it pretty well considering she's quite muscular. She has a very narrow waist which would suggest a lower weight, but all that muscle and breast load would make up for it ☺️ Women of this height usually don't like to go above 130~131 pounds, but I'm talking of course about ordinary women you see on the streets (well, I don't know if in US, but...🤭), not women who are trained killing machines ☺️

Oh, I know a few things about these weights and heights and crap... About literal crap too, what healthy crap should look like, things like that... 😱 Perhaps I should rethink my career 😒

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Nice! I was waiting for Lori's profile! I was even reading it WHILE working, that was a strange exercise!

Yes, like Trapp said, Lori fits right into Connor and Ripley category, astounding work on her!

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3 hours ago, Oz70NYC said:

I'm SUPER glad you came to that realization, cuz that was more or less by design. Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor are IMHO by far the GREATEST female protagonists ever written. Why? Because they're not "female heroes"...they're heroes that are female. There's a HUGE difference. There's no agenda behind why the character is the hero, they just become the hero of their story organically by way of circumstance.

Exactly. That's why 7.5 to me was very important to understand the mindset of Lori regarding her job in the last pages. She already had great character development from the start like you said, but that's what really cemented her as more than a badass with a good heart. That's why I immediately thought of Ripley and Sarah Connor, as well as Eowyn from Lord of the Rings. Like them, I know Lori believes in seeing her mission to the end, but it doesn't make it easier to do because of how she is. In Sarah's case, she wants to prevent the machines to take over the world, but at the same time, she wants to protect John in case the worst does happen, to the point that she would give her life for that to happen.

Quoting a certain bandana-wearing super soldier from videogames: "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of battle". I can only imagine how much that weighs on Lori's conscience.

1 hour ago, PsychoCatGirl said:

Oh, I know a few things about these weights and heights and crap... About literal crap too, what healthy crap should look like, things like that... 😱 Perhaps I should rethink my career 😒

Well, this is important shit to know! No pun intended 🤭

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She's easily one of the most dynamically written characters I've had the pleasure of reading in a long time. Honestly better then a lot of female characters in mainstream comics and media. I know your writing expertise comes from your promo scripting for pro wrestling, but your creativity shines so far and above that within your storytelling. You seriously missed your calling, because as a writer you're top notch. You've got this whole Tom Clancy thing going, but you're able to write non-military scripts as well. It's a crime that there isn't more people reading your content (and everyone else who makes comics here on KE as well) because they're missing out on some well crafted, humorous, thought provoking and outright sexy content. Most people just want to get their fap on, but bypassing some quality entertainment. Me personally, I spend more time in the comics section then the standard galleries. You know what to expect in the galleries, but when a new comic drops it's always something fresh and new. This little comic community we've got going here is something special.

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4 hours ago, PsychoCatGirl said:

So, now that I've converted the units of height and weight to those used by normal humans (ah, I'm kidding, as always ☺️), I think you've got it pretty well considering she's quite muscular. She has a very narrow waist which would suggest a lower weight, but all that muscle and breast load would make up for it ☺️ Women of this height usually don't like to go above 130~131 pounds, but I'm talking of course about ordinary women you see on the streets (well, I don't know if in US, but...🤭), not women who are trained killing machines ☺️

Oh, I know a few things about these weights and heights and crap... About literal crap too, what healthy crap should look like, things like that... 😱 Perhaps I should rethink my career 😒

Oops...lol. That was a typo. She's 155lbs. I got big, meaty fingers so my keystrokes tend to run wide...lol. I initially wanted to make her around the 6 foot range in height, but again...that'd be cliche having her be an amazon. 5'8" is still pretty tall for a chick, but still shorter than the average sized male, which is 5'10". Comparatively to say Herrig or Kristoff, who are both titanous human beings well over 6 feet tall. Kristoff is actually BIGGER than Herrig, standing 6'8" tall and weighing 280lbs.

2 minutes ago, Rob_Rebel89 said:

She's easily one of the most dynamically written characters I've had the pleasure of reading in a long time. Honestly better then a lot of female characters in mainstream comics and media. I know your writing expertise comes from your promo scripting for pro wrestling, but your creativity shines so far and above that within your storytelling. You seriously missed your calling, because as a writer you're top notch. You've got this whole Tom Clancy thing going, but you're able to write non-military scripts as well. It's a crime that there isn't more people reading your content (and everyone else who makes comics here on KE as well) because they're missing out on some well crafted, humorous, thought provoking and outright sexy content. Most people just want to get their fap on, but bypassing some quality entertainment. Me personally, I spend more time in the comics section then the standard galleries. You know what to expect in the galleries, but when a new comic drops it's always something fresh and new. This little comic community we've got going here is something special.

When I initially started my comics with Betrayal, it grated on my nerves that I put so much effort into crafting an excellent story that no one was reading because of the uhm..."disposition" of this community. I outsource my releases to another site also, where I get a few more eyes on, but not nearly the amount of feedback I get here...namely cuz of how that site is structured. It's not really a place for feedback and community discussion...just a place to go look at pretty pictures. I'm cool with the audience I have for my work now. Would it be awesome if more people read? Of course it would be. But I'll take the engagement and feedback I get here. It's rewarding either way.

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