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All about arms



I'm preparing a minor update of Latona body mod. It's about the upper arms, upper chest, and shoulders. It has been so from the very first of my game play, the shape of shoulders of the villa model when their hands are down (and they are down during most of time) makes me feel a bit off. So I tried to solve this through redoing weight painting of the upper arms and shoulders.



v2.63 video preview

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Shoulders are a pain in the ass. For my bodymod, I made several poseedit morphs specifically for the shoulders in order to adjust their appearance in different positions, otherwise it all looks like a mess with lowered or raised arms.

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This is an important update! One I didn't think LATONA needed, but hey! I welcome it!

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It is a bit problematic because a region like the one around the shoulders has only 1 or 2 bones linked as parent child. Because of that it means that some positions will always cause stretching and lose volume during deformation, basically you need at least 1 more bone preferably in that area or move the bone a little to diminish the impact of deformations or some custom JCMs.

Weight painting can never be a solution for all 3 axis, you can do 2 axis to look good, but the third will look a bit strange. Fix (more) on the third axis and you will break the other 2 that worked well.

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On 7/13/2023 at 12:40 AM, hfg2 said:

Weight painting can never be a solution for all 3 axis, you can do 2 axis to look good, but the third will look a bit strange. Fix (more) on the third axis and you will break the other 2 that worked well.

Agreed. I'm always thinking that weight painting is something like tag of war, if you fixed one side you shall break the other so always you need to take care for balancing the both sides, and as a result you can't be a perfect winner, always.

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