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The Black Panther Malena | La Pantera Negra Malena



Malena is unique, in many ways. Her parents met when Malena's mother traveled from Cuba to Moscow to attend university.

The woman with sub-Saharan ancestry but Caribbean blood, with very dark black skin, fell in love with a soldier from the Russian arctic. They married and lived in the Soviet Caucasus area.

When the USSR collapsed, the couple experienced difficult times. Although she did not lose her job in the Kuban oil companies, her father, as a member of the VDV, was called to arms many times.

Malena saw the light on November of 1999: A beautiful girl with dark chocolate skin, with blue eyes like the sky.

Early the following year, Malena’s father would fall in the line of duty at the Battle of peak 776. From then on, Malena's “Mima” (as she calls her) was dedicated to her daughter.

Malena's paternal figures were two soldiers from her father's unit. One was as big and strong as a bear; the other was as swift and cunning as a fox. They would take care of both of them, and turn Malena into a fighting machine.

However, overexposure to testosterone caused Malena's style to become masculine. She always looked like a boy. When puberty arrived, and the hormones manifested, Malena coincidentally felt attracted to other girls.

However, she was never successful with them. In late middle school did she have a thing with her best friend at the time, but her friend’s parents found out and ended the relationship. Over time, she decided to focus on sports; she likes to play soccer.

An excellent athlete, she managed to form an explosive couple with a partner. However, Malena fell in love with her. On the last day of classes at high school, she steeled herself and decided to confess her feelings. This confession did not sit well with her prospect. The news spread like wildfire, and that led to horror.

Three men attacked her, with the excuse of “straighten her”. She always felt guilty for not being able to fight back, even as she knew how to fight. From that moment on, Malena strives to show that she can beat any man in a fight.

After finishing high school, she decided to join the military academy, because she thought that she would adapt better there. Months passed, in a military monotony that is never spoken of on the movies. But early on, she earned the title of Black Panther, for her ferocity in fighting; just being defeated by the Academy Director’s daughter, Ludmila.

In a spring day, in that same military academy, Rassía appeared. The first time they talked, Malena discovered that although Rassía is big and strong, she doesn't know how to fight. That would be her letter of entry with Rassía.

This is the way, the adventures of the Black Panther and the one that would later be the Siberian Tigress, began.


Come and train with her, over here.


Malena es única, en muchos aspectos. Sus padres se conocieron cuando la madre de Malena viajó desde Cuba a Moscú, para cursar la universidad.

La mujer con ascendencia subsahariana pero sangre caribeña, de oscurísima piel negra, se enamoró de un soldado del ártico ruso, que bien podría mimetizarse con la nieve. Se casaron y vivieron en la zona del Cáucaso soviético.

Al derrumbarse la URSS, la pareja vivió momentos difíciles. Si bien ella no perdió su empleo en las petroleras del Kuban, Dimitri como integrante del VDV, se vio llamado a las armas muchas veces.

Después de años de estar juntos, finalmente el 17 de noviembre de 1999 nació Malena: Una hermosa niña de piel de chocolate oscuro, con los ojos azules como el cielo.

A inicios del año siguiente, Dimitri caería en el cumplimiento de su deber en la batalla de la cima 776. A partir de ese momento, la mima (como ella la llama) de Malena se dedicó a ella.

Las figuras paternas de Malena fueron dos compañeros de la unidad de su padre. Uno, grande y fuerte como oso, el otro, veloz y astuto como un zorro. Ellos cuidarían de ambas, y convertirían a Malena en una máquina de pelear.

Sin embargo, la sobreexposición a la testosterona hizo que el estilo de Malena se volviera masculino. Siempre parecía un niño. Al llegar la pubertad, y las hormonas se manifestaron, Malena se sintió atraída por otras chicas.

Sin embargo, nunca tuvo éxito con ellas. En la secundaria tuvo algo con su mejor amiga, pero los padres de ella se enteraron y terminaron la relación. Con el tiempo, Malena decidió dedicarse a los deportes; le gusta jugar fútbol.

Atleta excelente, logró formar una pareja explosiva con una compañera. Sin embargo, Malena se enamoró de ella. El último día de clases en la preparatoria, se armó de valor y decidió confesar sus sentimientos. Esta confesión, no cayó muy bien en su prospecto. La noticia se esparció como pólvora, y eso la llevó al horror.

Tres hombres la atacaron, con la excusa de “destorcerla”. A partir de ese momento, Malena se esfuerza en demostrar que puede vencer a cualquier hombre en una pelea. Se culpa a sí misma, por no haber sido capaz de defenderse.

Al terminar la preparatoria, decidió unirse a la academia militar, porque pensó que ahí se adaptaría mejor. Los meses pasaron, en una monotonía militar de la que nunca se habla en las películas. Sin embargo, pronto se ganó un lugar preeminente en su unidad, así como el mote de “Pantera Negra”, por su ferocidad al momento de pelear; siendo únicamente vencida por la hija del Director de la Academia, Ludmila.

Hasta que cierto día de primavera, en esa misma academia militar, apareció Rassía. La primera vez que platicaron, Malena descubrió que si bien Rassía es grande y fuerte, no sabe pelear. Esa sería su carta de entrada con ella.

De esta manera, comenzaron las aventuras de la pantera negra y la que luego se convertiría en la tigresa siberiana.


Ven a entrenar con ella acá.

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13 minutes ago, Morius said:

So, was Malena is Rassía's instructor? Very nice! Mari would love to spar with Malena! 

Imagine this picture: Malena is about 1.65m height, Rassía is 1.80m. When they met, Malena was hitting the sandbag at the gym, mostly giving kicks. They started chatting and Malena asked Rassía to show her what she's got. And although Rassía is very strong, she did punch and kick "like a girl". That cracked down Malena, who almost laughed to the tears. Rassía got frustrated.

Then Malena gave her a rubber knife and told Rassía to try to stab her. Rassía tried, but did not succede. At the first punch stroke, Malena kicked Rassía on the belly, climbed up on her shoulders, took the arm that had the knife , took Rassía down and applied an armbar to force her to drop the knife. Rassía did not drop it, wich made Malena to apply more force... and made Rassía moan in pain.

From that moment on, although both are kadets, Malena took Rassía under her wing, to teach her everything she knows. And she knows her stuff good. 😉

It would be nice if we can see Mari and Malena spar each other. 😍

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2 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

Imagine this picture: Malena is about 1.65m height, Rassía is 1.80m. When they met, Malena was hitting the sandbag at the gym, mostly giving kicks. They started chatting and Malena asked Rassía to show her what she's got. And although Rassía is very strong, she did punch and kick "like a girl". That cracked down Malena, who almost laughed to the tears. Rassía got frustrated.

Then Malena gave her a rubber knife and told Rassía to try to stab her. Rassía tried, but did not succede. At the first punch stroke, Malena kicked Rassía on the belly, climbed up on her shoulders, took the arm that had the knife , took Rassía down and applied an armbar to force her to drop the knife. Rassía did not drop it, wich made Malena to apply more force... and made Rassía moan in pain.

From that moment on, although both are kadets, Malena took Rassía under her wing, to teach her everything she knows. And she knows her stuff good. 😉

It would be nice if we can see Mari and Malena spar each other. 😍

Lol, Malena gave Rassía the "tutorial" treatment that ALL the newbie players receive on my RPG game! 

The spar os possible, let's Just eschamge models AMD create It! Lol.


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Jesus Christ, Malena is a sexy little chocolate! Also a tough girl, she looks so badass!

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