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Va-MOOSE to the Beeeeech!



We are going to the beach 'bitchachos'!

Ok so I only shared 1 rooms and never created another one. I mean, I can't let @HDiddy 1 up me! I taught him - can't let the student surpass!!!!! JK JK 😉 (Can't turn into a karen with the power level to the 17 lol)

So this is another one of those - I (personally me) need this spot/location. We got pools but really no natural spot. And the vanilla beach really doesn't cut it for me, it to basic, bad pose positions and just really outdated.

So in short, I used the same assets that HDiddy used for his room. But I created a different environment. So far, I've spent my entire weeks free time on this project and so far, I'm looking forward on the final product.

Here is a speak peak 😉

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Well the room is 99% Complete. Just completed the work on the textures, completed the hook5 files, created lvl definition and found the perfect HDRI for the backdrop. Sorry but I'm still a noob and could give the ocean video support 🤣

Jokes aside, took me a week to make. This room is "different". By that, it is custom made. Used different assets and created a unique atmosphere, so its kinda of "one of kind". So all that work, it kinda burnt me out in the room making department and want to take a little break. Now the room is not 100% complete - I encountered certain issues that I need to fix. Like the towels "floating", a little flickering in certain spots and I need to make the choice on weather if I need to remove certain objects or not. Again - don't want to do that this week. Taking a breather.

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