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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel
Creating a Blog? Don't Forget the Feature Photo!! ×
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About this blog

Welcome everyone! I want to attempt being a more active member of the KE community, so I decided to start off a blog here. Not really an end goal here, just something to keept track of my learning and work with TK17. Hope you like what you see here!

Entries in this blog

Loba Andrade: An experiment in Culture

Making this a quick one because I'm in slavery mode. I recall some time ago, somebody went and shared some assets to recreate who, in my humblest of opinions, is one of the sexiest characters in recent videogame history. Unless you've been living under a rock, not interested in gaming or haven't been paying attention to the Rule34 website, then this babe needs zero introduction. Apex Legends' best girl: Loba Andrade. Yes, yes, I've been on a Loba porn kick, whatever... Side note, her

Preview: Street Fighter 6 Cammy!

UPDATE 1: Here's what you'll need to recreate the outfit. All links below in-text. Save Files for this version of the model included at the end of the document. - High Waist Yoga Pants by @HDiddy and hdiddypant7 yoga k10 latex Texture by @Kraegar (also check HDiddypant7 variations H5 from @vi363R for help with transparency issues) - R9Blouse065 "Small Things Top" (Available in the dimisd Add-on Outfits Pack) + SmallThingsTop#7 (Texture included in the Save files below since I don't know w
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