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About this blog

Welcome everyone! I want to attempt being a more active member of the KE community, so I decided to start off a blog here. Not really an end goal here, just something to keept track of my learning and work with TK17. Hope you like what you see here!

Entries in this blog

A Hard Reboot Is In The Works

I believe it's time to come clean. CNC Baby doesn't work. Try as I might, I hit a hard wall. I can't climb over it, I can't go through it. So my only option left is to demolish it. Bring the whole fucking house down. Now, this may come as a surprise to the few people who have followed the story of Daniela Olivares since last year. It's been forever since I came up with anything for her or even worked on her for a gallery. The reason for that is, even though I do have scenes ready for w

Galleries and State Of Affairs

Gotta go back to the grind again (and hating every second of it), but for now, here's some new galleries I've put out. Kouta Hirano's Hellsing is one of my favorite things ever. TeamFourStar's Abridged version of the Hellsing Ultimate anime is also one of my favorite things ever because of how raunchy the dialogue is, and how fantastically written the whole thing is. I will do more with Hikalucard and the gang eventually. Not much to add here. Just girls from 3D/2D creators that I'm

Wonder What's Next

Quick blog entry to discuss some important stuff going on. Will try and make this one short and sweet, since there's a lot to cover. 1. Most of my comics (the good ones) have been re-uploaded into Exile Comics last night. I stated on each entry that I have no intention of ever deleting the original galleries for any of them, nor will I touch the one I haven't uploaded either. I just wanted to put my two cents into that section of the website since I'm the second biggest (arguably) comic cre

Life Update for April

Sup, my frenzies. So I'm back, reporting on some happenings. 1. I finally started therapy on Saturday. After I left for the first session, I felt both relief and an overwhelming emotional charge. I don't know where therapy will take me, but I hope it allows me to discover more about myself. Partially, I'm very curious about what I will find out, but on the other hand, I'm also terrified. Terrified that I find out things about myself that I don't like. Things that deep down, I know were alwa

Extended Hiatus (Please Read)

UPDATE: Here it is, the last TrappComics issue for the foreseeable future. Thank you all for your comments of support, you are the best. Enjoy this comic I made for you all.   Hello everyone. Look who's gone and bit off more than he can chew now. Going to keep this one short and sweet. Well, probably not that short. Also, I lied. It ain't going to be sweet. As of today, March 8, 2024, I have decided to take an extended hiatus from comic book making. That means, no continuati

Project Update for February

Hey everyone! It's good to see some more activity over at Klub Exile. This will be a short entry of things you can expect from me the following month. Please be aware that most of this isn't set in stone because life, and especially work (God, I know better than to take things for granted, but I am SERIOUSLY burnt out there...), but I will try my best to prepare some stuff that will hopefully see the light by February. Without further ado, let's get into it. CNC Baby 3.5 + 4: The whee


UPDATE 01/19: The third issue has been released! Go read it RIGHT NOW!! Okay, so I want to take the time to talk a little about my headspace when creating CNC Baby. In case you missed it, I made a preview of a scene from the upcoming issue 3 on @Oz70NYC's Comic Klub, which you can check by going into my profile and clicking on the Clubs I'm a part of. That's not a huge story preview, but it's BIG for me, as it allowed me to delve a little deeper in the mindset of my lead male for the story

Quick Update Blog

Hey everyone. You may not be aware, or maybe you're not following stories, but in case you missed it: CNC Baby is continuing onward, with Issue #2 - Ground Zero being released yesterday! Check it out below: As mentioned, this comic is a big departure as in there's not a lot of lewd content (coming from me at least), and it is LONG. It's even longer than Sex Tales 5, which I wrote as a sort of epilogue to a story that's actually never been written and/or published, so its overall status as


Trapp in Updates and Announcements

CNC Baby Dev Blog 1

So, progress has been made, FINALLY. I tried to keep this under wraps for a long time, but I have some good news to share with everyone. I released the first issue of CNC Baby back in July 1st, and since then, a lot of shit happened. Like, A LOT. I moved within two weeks without a proper eviction notice and in the meantime, one of my closest friends passed away in his sleep. And since moving, there's been massive life changes and the cherry on top of it all? Hurricane season is coming stron


Trapp in Updates and Announcements

What's in the works?

Hey everyone! Seems to me like KE has been a bit too quiet lately. I myself haven't really had much time with the game since my duties at work have shifted, and it's not a good time. At all. Also, I've been getting a few visual novels to play, so I'm currently going through a couple of those. Does that mean I stopped making stuff altogether? Nope! I don't have much time, so let me break down what I'm preparing for you all for the coming weeks: After-Party Sluts has been a (relatively)


Trapp in Updates and Announcements

Nearly Three Years in the Making

I want to take you back to September of last year. I was in the middle of recruitment for what would become my current job (nine months in now, which makes me breathe a little easier!) and it was during that time that I realized, the computer I had at the time wouldn't be useful for the job training I needed to undergo, so I loaned a laptop with enough power to get me through things, and after some testing, I decided to install TK17 on it just to see how it ran. After a while of putting out comi

Dani and The Road to CNC Baby

It's funny how things work out. About six to seven months ago, I had this idea in my head to tell a story about a girl with an extreme fetish: Consensual Non-Consensual sex. If you're not familiar with that concept, it's basically a Rape/Free Use fantasy. Where a woman decides to reduce herself as nothing more than a sex toy for her partner, getting off to being roughed up and sexually assaulted as the male sees fit. Controversial, isn't it? Especially in today's PC/woke/post #MeToo culture. And

WIP and The Plight of a Creator

I don't know if it's a lack of motivation or time, but I've been feeling quite anxious lately. I currently have five, yes, FIVE whole comic projects that I just can't seem to finish. I'm not sure if it's happened to you, but it feels like there's not enough time in the day to do anything. I'm grateful that I finally have a steady flow of income from my current job, but I'm terrible at organizing myself. Therefore, I work on these in places I really shouldn't lol! It's the most awkward thing, but

My current experience with Hook5 - Part 1

Okay, so I *finally* decided to bite the bullet and got Hook5 Paid installed on a laptop I'm loaning for work. This looks miles away better than any of my previous works despite not being a proper modern laptop for gaming. I was advised about how to work on things with it, so here's a quick remake gallery from an upcoming comic called "CNC Baby", which I have previously talked about on this blog. So far, I'm truly liking the results and it's only a matter of time before I can polish things and m


Trapp in Updates and Announcements

Happenings and Shit...

It feels like forever since I last made an entry here on the blog. Between work, trying to put out comics and come up with ideas and my game crashing and burning every time I try to put out content, it honestly feels like a chore to think about all these things. In any case, here's a few happenings with my latest TK17 experience as of recently. 1. My game has been crashing on the PoseEdit section the second I try to load a pose. The issue generates from a texture not being able to be loaded


Trapp in Updates and Announcements

Comic Update 08/09/2022

Okay, so the world suddenly decided to go apeshit right now. R.I.P. Queen Elizabeth II and my condolences to any British members of this forum. Also, my sincerest apologies on behalf of my Mexican countrymen who decided it was funny to joke about her and Chabelo... Seriously, fuck them with a blimp. So, updates. Speaking of Twitter, I have uploaded some sort of "doujins" (fan made comics, although they can't really be called that because 1. I'm not Japanese and 2. They're not actually drawn


Trapp in Updates and Announcements

Comic Update 25/08/2022

Hey everyone! Been a while! So, a couple of weeks ago, I uploaded my latest comic: The Stone Sisters, and I came to realize something truly horrific: I FORGOT TO TRANSLATE ONE BLOCK OF TEXT lol!   In any case, I hope that whoever gets to read this is aware that the comic is up. Also, if there are any Spanish speaking members that follow me, let me know if you wish to read the Spanish version of that comic. I should probably make a post dedicated to that comic after this... In any case!
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